Chapter Eight: The Haunted Mill

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Chapter Eight: The Haunted Mill

Tyler invited me to go to the Haunted Mill with him. It's kind of an annual thing we have in Orangeville. I told him we needed to have a serious talk about Tanya. He told me that he already deleted her phone number and told her not to text him anymore. I was happy to hear that, it kind of showed me that he really wanted our relationship to work out then. 

He told me that he wouldn't ever touch her again, that she was nothing compared to me, and he didn't want to lose me over her. I agreed that we wouldn't talk about her anymore and we could try to just forget it ever happened. 

After school that day, Rachel came back to my house, and so did Sarah. They were going with Tyler and I, and Evan would be joining us, to accompany Rachel. I was personally kind of freaked out because I scared easily. I loved horror movies, Halloween, Oujia boards, all the things like that, but I got scared really easily. 

When I told Tyler about this, he told me that he would be there to protect me. I laughed, because he thinks he could do anything. I was still so hesitant to go with him, I mean Tanya said she was going. I though about kissing him right in front of her, but that was a little mean. I had already made her cry.

We were in the locker room in gym, and I had found out in her planner that had said, "Tyler and Tanya<3" and then an arrow pointing to it, that had said, "That Ella ruined."  I simply told her that I didn't ruin anything, that there was no relationship to ruin, he didn't even like her. Well, I said it much meaner, but either way that was the basic of it. It wasn't too harsh.

We all went to Sarah's after we got ready at my house because she forgot some money, and we went back with her. Then I got a text from my mom:

Hurry and come back, Tanya and some of her friends are waiting for u.

Me: Wait, y r they ther? 

Her: idk, just hurry back.

Me: k, b back soon. On our way.

Her: Oh, and Tyler was here.

Me: Crap, ok thnx

I informed Rach and Sarah and then we all started heading back. It was just getting dark out so I knew that they would be starting the Mill soon. When we got down there I ran into my house to get my money and made sure I looked okay. I grabbed that, told my mom I'd be back in a little bit, and then went back outside. 

We went up the ways a little bit and seen Tanya and a few other's walking with her, she came up to us and smiled and started talking. I couldn't believe it considering she was so 'pissed' at me. She was such a fake sometimes. I really couldn't believe it. They kept walking though, and so we continued up the hill to meet Tyler and Evan. They were there, waiting for us, if you didn't know them, you'd of though they were stalkers. 

He came up to me and gave me a huge hug, I smiled as I returned the favor. It's hard only seeing your boyfriend once or twice a week. You only get a limited timing, especially with the weather change soon. 

We walked over to the fire department to get our tickets and then we get taken to it on a hay ride sort of thing. No one wanted to be on the edge nearing the open end. Who knew what was going to pop out of us. 

When we walked off the ride, there was a bus that a skeleton was opening for us. We all went in a line, Tyler, Evan, Rachel, me and then Sarah. After that was a pitch black room, and then we heard the chainsaws. One that was condemning us into a hallway and one in front of the hallway so we couldn't get away from them. 

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