Chapter 28: The Third Challenge

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Raina and Terrence hurried to the clearing where the First and Second Challenges had taken place. She waved goodbye to him as she joined Arriana and watched as Sir James, once again, explained the rules.

"The Third Challenge assesses combat. You will each be organised to face another apprentice in the ring for the first round. Whoever wins, will move on to the second round. If you lose, then you are out of the competition. Losing will be determined by yielding, or by the judges if they believe that a competitor is unfit to continue. Any form of fighting is allowed, both magical and non-magical. When only one apprentice remains, that apprentice will be deemed the winner of the Third Challenge. Here is the draw for the first round. The fights will begin in 15 minutes."

Raina and Arriana turned to face a board (one that Raina was almost certain wasn't there before) and read the round one matches.

Arriana frowned. "Hmm... you're against Sebastian, son of Anhur, in Ring 5."

Raina choked. "Anhur? As in Egyptian God of War Anhur?"

"The very same. Why?"

"Why? Why? I'm screwed!"

"No, you're not. Just because his father is a celebrated warrior and was worshipped as a god of war in Egypt, Greece and Rome, doesn't make him any more formidable than yourself."

Raina gave her a pointed look. "Oh, no. Silly me. Why was I so worried? I mean it was only Egypt, Greece and Rome!"

Arriana smiled. "Now, that's the spirit!"

They walked up to the fifth ring, which consisted of a small, circular patch of dirt. Raina looked up and saw Sebastian on the other side. He was a tall, broad boy, barely older than herself, but there was a glint in his eye. A mean, determined glint. One that told Raina that, in his mind, he'd already won.

Yeah, right.

Raina steadied her breathing. She just had to stay calm. This guy had years of training and probably warrior blood as well. But... he'd never had to actually use it to save himself before. He'd never known what it was like to fear for his life. This was just a fight to him. But to Raina, it was so much more. She still felt pain. She knew what it was like to clutch desperately to life and not let go. If she lost this fight, she'd feel more pain than him. And that was why she resolutely told herself she wouldn't lose.

The bell tolled in the distance, signalling the beginning of the first round. Raina entered the ring, as did Sebastian. They stared each other down, resuming their fighting stances, but never looking away from their opponent.

Sebastian made the first move. He lunged at Raina, a spiked mace made out of red energy appearing in his hands. He swung it as deftly as though it were a feather, not a gigantic ball of spiked metal on a stick.

Raina ducked and rolled out of the way. In an instant she was up on her feet and ducking out of the way again. On Sebastian's third strike, she unsheathed her katanas. As Sebastian brought the mace down on her, Raina blocked it with one blade and used the other to knock it away.

She'd hoped to knock the mace out of Sebastian's hands, but had only succeeded in changing its trajectory. A grunt of surprise made its way out of Sebastian's mouth. He hadn't expected that.

Gaining confidence, Raina struck at him again, catching the side of his face with the flat of her katana, just as she'd done to Sienna.

Sebastian shook himself, maybe trying to clear his head. Raina couldn't allow that to happen.

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