Chapter 26: The Second Test

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"You did quite well in the first test. Second place amongst all those Avalonian br- I mean apprentices," Arriana corrected herself, unable to hide the look of contempt that slid over her face when she'd almost called the Avalonian children brats. They were sitting at a bench having a break. If this were a competition for mortals, the break would've been called 'lunch', but since most of the people here didn't eat, it was simply called a 'break'.

Raina nodded. "I didn't think the first test would be... like that. Did you know what it would be?"

"I knew once you were in the maze. We couldn't see everything that went on in there though. Anything remotely interesting happen?"

Raina gave her a look. "Oh, my! Where do I begin? So, did you know that since I can see through illusions, that it would basically be a walk in the park, almost literally?"

Arriana shrugged. "This one was a lot easier for you because of your Gift. However, a true sight spell would yield the same results."

"That's what Sienna used."

"That's what the rest of them should have used. Clearly, for all their years of training, they weren't taught how to identify and see through illusions. How ridiculous!"

Raina raised an eyebrow. "Uh, Ari, you haven't taught me how to do that either."

"But you don't need it. What's the point in teaching you how to identify an illusion if you can't see them?"

Raina rolled her eyes, but nodded her head in agreement. "Fair enough."

"Anyway, half of them wandered around the maze running into walls and all sorts of horrors without a clue in the world as to what was going on. It was actually rather amusing. Eventually, some of them realised, but there were still a few at the end who hadn't quite worked it out."

"Yeah. I thought it was really creepy when they walked right past me, almost like I wasn't there."

"Well, to them, you weren't."

"That's beside the point. It was still creepy. And then, the one person I did bump into happened to be Sienna. Oh, yay! I was so delighted."

Arriana narrowed her eyes at Raina. "What did she think of you having done as well as she had?"

Raina shrugged. "Well, she pulled out her dagger and tried to tear me apart so she could beat me to the finish line. I take it she hasn't got any warrior blood in her, does she?"

"Not in the slightest."

"Didn't think so. She moved well enough, but it was all rigid and organised. It was practiced. There was no grace or instinct in it."

"Yes, it's probably the only thing she's not very good at. So, you two fought? And you won, I'm assuming?"

Raina grinned. "Slapped her in the face with the flat of my katana. If she wasn't trying to tear me apart, it would've actually been hilarious."

"And, when she got up?"

Raina scowled. "Ran for it, but she followed me so... I went somewhere she'd never think to go; I went off the path."

"And where did you end up?"

"Somewhere dark and creepy. You know, the usual. Oh, and when I found the path again, guess what was also there?" Raina exclaimed sarcastically, like a crazy woman.

Arriana continued to stare at her with an emotionless expression, but Raina had the feeling that she was actually secretly laughing at her.

"I'm guessing by the look on your face and the tone of your voice that it was something particularly unpleasant?"

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