Chapter 6- Origins

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With gentle hands she shut the door, ensuring that little more than a click could be heard. She hadn't expected her lesson to go for so long. She hadn't realised how much time had slipped away. Glancing at her watch, she saw that it read 6:30. Normally at this time, dinner was served at her house. Even now, Raina could smell the aromatic roast that was undoubtedly cooking away in the oven. Judging by the smell, it was almost ready.

Quietly, so she wouldn't attract any attention to herself, she crept into the empty lounge room and, from there, proceeded into the kitchen.

"And where have you been?" Her mother asked, looking at Raina with accusing eyes. Raina gulped and found it difficult to meet her mother's gaze. Sure, she might've just discovered that she was immortal and magical, but that didn't mean her mother didn't still terrify her.

"I was at an extra lesson. We uh... have a new teacher. She thinks I can do some extra work," Raina half lied. She did have a teacher, and she was at an extra lesson, and she was doing extra work. It just wasn't the extra work her mother thought it was.

"I thought you were doing fine at school," her mother stated. Feeling terribly guilty and light headed, Raina shrugged her shoulders.

"I am... but this teacher, well, she thinks I can go above and beyond, and the stuff we covered... it wasn't entirely useless. I think it would be a good idea, I mean, it couldn't hurt to do some extra learning, right?" By this point Raina's voice had become very high pitched. Her mother continued to look at her as though she didn't believe a word.

"What's your new teacher's name?"

"Ms. Mist."

"I'll call the school tomorrow and talk to her then."

Raina's mother searched her face, trying to see if this would reveal any new information, but Raina kept her mouth shut. She knew that Arriana had it all sorted, and that her mother was no match for her mentor's tricks.

"Ok," Raina finally said to her. She grabbed her plate and sat down with the rest of her family.

"Hey, Ray! Did you hear about the archaeological dig in Egypt? They found another tomb," James told her. Raina turned to him, tipping her head to one side in a display of interest.


"Yeah! They found all these decomposed bodies. They're not sure how old it is, but the glyphs in the tomb aren't Egyptian-ˮ

"Wait, what? Is that even possible?"

"Apparently it is. I could barely believe it either. Apparently the archaeologist in charge has heard reports of similar glyphs in the catacombs of Paris. They're heading there now to see if the two sites have anything in common."

Raina's eyes widened as she listened. For a brief moment, she wondered if the tombs had anything to do with the Immortali.

It probably does, she thought. I wonder who they buried there... She made a mental note to ask Arriana tomorrow

"Where did you hear that?" Raina asked. James and Taylor gave each other a sideways glance. Taylor grinned.

"On the news," her little sister told her. Raina gave her a look.

"Tay, you're way too young to watch the news. Mum, did you turn it off if it got too graphic?"

"No, Raina. I was too busy making the dinner you're eating."

"Dad?" Raina demanded, turning to him. Her father avoided her glare and played with his food.

"Raina I'm sure that whatever was on the news was fine for Taylor to watch," he told her, sounding tired.

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