The Voice Is A Weapon

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Enjolras woke up in a cell. He remembered resisting the police as he was escorted out of the cafe and then being knocked out by Javert. He wasn't in the police precinct this time. He was in an actual prison, now.

He was screwed.

To add to that fun, he also had a bunkmate.

"So, Sleeping Beauty awakens," the inmate said. "I was wondering when that would happen." Enjolras' inmate stood over him, a grin on his face. "I thought the guards had brought me a dead body."

Enjolras sat up, rubbing his forehead.

"How long has it been since they brought me in here?" Enjolras asked.

"A day," the other man said. "They call me Duval. What's your name, Sleeping Beauty?"

"Enjolras," he said. "Gabriel Enjolras."

"Enjolras?" Duval repeated. "Like the lawyer?"

"My father." Duval looked impressed.

"How are you still here, then? I hear that dude's the best lawyer in all of France," Duval said.

"He disowned me a few months ago," Enjolras explained. "Did you see anyone else come in here with me?" He walked to the bars and looked down the hall. "Combeferre?" There was no answer. "Courfeyrac?" No answer.

"Your friends are probably somewhere else," Duval explained. "This is the super secret death row that the people of France don't know about. What a guy like you do to land in here?"

"I conspired against the king of France and I think I'm being accused of six murders," Enjolras said. "What about you?"

"I was accused of killing my entire family," he said. He sat on the bottom bunk. "My brother framed me."

"And you're just going to let him?" Enjolras asked, raising his eyebrows.

"Don't you think I've tried to get the police to listen to me? But there's 'too much evidence stacked against me' as my lawyer would say," Duval said. "So, I plead guilty to lower the sentencing. Unfortunately, that didn't work."

"This is why I didn't want to be a lawyer," Enjolras muttered, sitting next to Duval. "Justice is blind."

"You're a lawyer?" Duval said, hopefully.

"I'm a law student," he said. "I had about three years left and then I'd be a certified lawyer. After taking the bar exam, of course."

"Shit, you could've been my lawyer," Duval said. "Are you going to try to reconcile your relationship with your father before your trial?"

"I don't think they're going to give me a trial."

"Okay, that's rough."

"I'd say."


Grantaire was on the brink of passing out. That was until his phone rang. He sighed and reached for it, knocking over a couple of empty bottles.

"What?" he said.

"R, it's Joly," the medical student said, over the phone. "We've got trouble." Grantaire listened as Joly told him about their friends' arrest and Enjolras' probable execution.

"Dammit, it was Christmas," Grantaire said. "That's just cruel. Ah, well, Enjolras' daddy will get them out."

"Need I remind you Enjolras' daddy disowned him because of you?" Joly asked. R sighed and sat up. "How drunk are you?"

"Almost passed out," R said, rubbing his forehead. "Do you expect me to help you bust them out?"

"Yes, actually," Joly said. "They are still our friends and we can't let Enjolras die."

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