Chapter 15

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(A/N: To anyone who's planning on saying "too fast?" I know exactly what I'm doing alright ✋❤)

Quensilla's POV

"I had a great time." I giggle lightly as we hold hands walking through the halls.

"I did too love." He smiles at me.

"I'm leaving tomorrow." I frown as we stand at the door and he pushes a strand behind my ears.

"I know." He nods. "But we're going to make this work."

"Okay." I nod, ready to take a shower since the salt was starting to make me itch.

"And tell that little girl of yours, to expect a little surprise, maybe even a gift this month." He winks.

Yes. I told him.

We were simply sharing our likes, interest and it came about, he didn't seemed bothered he just said that I looked like a cute mom.

I guess that's a subtle way of calling me a Milf. Maybe.

"Thank you." He murmurs and I raise an eyebrow.

"For what?"

"For just seeing me. Not money." He runs a hand through his hair and I nod.

"I guess. . you're welcome." He pushes me closer up the wall and my breath hitches as his eyes drops to my lips. "If you're in, There's no going back. So tell me now. "

I furrow my eyebrows at his tone, but I pay no attention.

"I'm in."

"You sure?" He whispers drawing closer to me and I lick my lips, nodding. His eyes darken at the sight and it doesn't take another moment till I'm up a wall, again, his lips aggressively taming mine.

I moan as he grips my butt, shoving his tongue into my mouth.

"Peter. ." I groan as he continues his assault. He fumbles with the door knob and for a second, I worry about Theodore seeing us like these but all thoughts were erased as we were met with darkness, only fueling our desire.

He carried me to any room and I was anxious the whole time, only calming down when I realized it was my room. He carried me to the bathroom and I pulled away.


"We're not going to do anything. Don't worry." He takes off his shirt and I blush.

"I-its only the second date maybe we should slow down a bit." I run a hand through my salty hair and he nods.

"Okay ." He takes off his pants and my eyes widen.

"Peter!" I squeak covering my eyes and he chuckles.

"That's all I swear. We're just going to rinse off." He reaches for  my hands, and I keep my eyes on his, blushing and he smirks. Reaching for the sleeves of my tank top, I almost stop him but as soon as I opened my mouth, his lips were on mine again.

He takes off my shirt fully, before quickly unzipping my shorts, and I try pulling away, but I was just melting from how good it felt. He  lifts me onto the sink, completely pulling of my pants and I felt a bit conscious as I stood in my undergarments.

Thankfully, he didn't make any move to remove them or else I would've stopped him.

His mouth moves eagerly from my mouth to my neck and I gasp, gripping the lip of the counter as he basically devours my salty neck.

Soon enough, we're in the tub, me sitting on top of him as he sensually rubs my back.

"I normally don't do this in second dates." He chuckles, throwing his head back and I laugh nervously.

"Trust me, me neither."

"I'm sorry, is this making you uncomfortable?" He asks suddenly. "I was just so. . caught up I didn't—"

"No, I mean, a little but its okay." He smiles and I just lean forward onto him.


"I like this." I murmur.

"I'm glad—"

"Quensilla?" Called a voice and I froze. "Are you in here?"


Knocks came and I cleared my throat.

"Yea. . I-Im just taking a shower." I laugh nervously.

"Oh. . can we talk?"

"S-sure.  When I'm done. ." Peter gave me a curious look.

"Of course." Theodore breathed.

And I waited a fee seconds before  blinking.


"What is it?"

"He wants to talk." I mentally dace palm.

How am I going to get Peter out of here?

"So? You can talk to him."

"But you're here. Dammit what would he think?" I start getting up, wrapping a towel around me.

"Why do you care what he thinks?" Peter raises an eyebrow, seeming a bit offended and j sigh.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean for it to come out like that, its just that. . he- I-"

"I get it." Peter stood also but he didn't seem mad. "But, I'm passing through the front door. He has to realize sooner or later."

Brace yourself.

Its about to get awkward.

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