Chapter 14

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Quensilla's POV

I woke up the next morning in what I'm guessing to be Peter's bed and I was freaking out. I was still clothed. . kinda and there was no pain. I can't remember us doing anything so I guess I'm saved. The clock flashed 3:42am and I slowly left his sleeping form throwing on my shirt and shoe before grabbing my purse and walking off quickly.

What would Theodore think if he caught—

Shut up!

× × ×

I sneaked in, sighing when the coast was clear and slowly opening my door to close it softly all again as I undressed. I crawled into my bed happy to be engulfed by warm—

Hard. .  body. 

"Theodore?" I hiss, it was the only logical explanation.

"Nice of you to finally make it home." He grunts as I get off him.

"What're you doing in my bed!" I exclaim and he snorts.

"Maybe you should take a look around the room." Blinking, I warily eye my surroundings.

"Oh." I clear my throat and he turns on his lamp.

"Looks like you had a good night." He eyes move to my neck, darkening a bit and I touch my neck, just to feel a bit of swollen skin.

Oh sheet.

There's a hickey isn't there.

"Theodore —"

"No its okay. I see you've made your decision." He looked pissed, his eyes a thousand shades darker. "I'm kinda tired." He dismissed and I nodded. Gulping a little, I turned around slowly and walking towards the door.

× × ×

The next morning, I was busy ensuring that I had everything. Tomorrow was the day we left and I wasn't about to be rushing in the middle of the night.

After taking a shower, I dressed for the day, and awkwardly make my way to the kitchen. To my surprise, the fridge had a curt note.

"Be back in a few." Thats it.

That's all?

I roll my eyes at the note before grabbing my purse and deciding to do a little exploring myself.

As soon as I open the door Peter stood with a small smile on his face, his hand in midair as he was about to knock.

He tapped my nose and I grin subconsciously.

"Peter? What're you doing here?" I ask and he shrugs.

"I don't even know. One minute I'm walking near the hotel, the next I'm at your door. Are you going out?" He eyes me and I sigh.

"Its my last day. . I thought I'd explore a bit more." I state and he grins.

"Well then, looks like I'm just on time."

× × ×

Arms hooked we walked along the streets of the French Riviera.

It had the purest, whitest sand I have ever seen and it kinda made me wish I had brought a bathing suit. We didn't talk about what happened last night, I guess we didn't —

"So. .you just leaving in the morning, what was that about?"

I gape.

"O-oh I just thought that maybe you would um. .want some time. .alone."

That didn't even make sense.

"That man. . something is going on between you two no?"

"No!" I say too quickly. "I mean.  .we were, but that ended a long time ago." It felt so wrong saying that. So wrong.

"Great, because I need to ask you this. ."

If he was about to ask me to be his girlfriend? That's a no no. Not so soon honey bun.

"What is it?" I ask as we walk aimlessy.

"That what's going on here has a purpose. That I'm not just dating you because you're in France at the moment."

Oh sheet.

I mean, he's a great guy, smart, attractive and he seems to care. He's easy to get along with. . but. .

But nothing!

"How will we make it work?"

"I can always visit. . I have a branch in New York, I could work from there."


My head warned me but I didn't listen.

"Are we dating for a purpose?"

I gulped.

a vous dit?"
*Translation: You up For it?*

I didn't know what he just said but I nodded.

"Its for a purpose." Welp, no going back now, his grin reappeared and I found myself smiling back.

"Let's go swimming."

"But I didn't bring a suit?"

"We can always buy some. . or skinny dipping?" He wiggled

"Right. I think we can save the second one for a very, very long time in the future." He chuckles, placing his hand on my lower back as we walk into the Polygone Riviera and it was really buzzing.

The whole time I we were searching for suits one thing stayed on my mind.

What about Theodore?

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