Chapter Eleven

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Chapter Eleven

As Amderestan Military Admiral Harold Jones, Amderestan Military Colonel Brian Thomas, Amderestan Military Captain Thomas Ferris and the two other Amderestan Military Intelligence Officers in that particular safe house discussed how to get off Sancalia without getting captured. Others such as their Sancalian assets and their families also had concerns as well.

Along the western edge of the Sancalian Galaxy which shared a border with the Northwest Astoria Galaxy, the six hundred Sancalian Federal Military Combat Assault Groups began a number of combat exercises against simulated Amderestan Military starships, crusiers, and destroyers.  

As the 157,286,400 Sancalian Federal Military starships, crusiers, and destroyers conducted their combat exercises, Amderestan Military officers and enlisted stationed onboard the 235,929,600 Williamson-class and Abrams-class Amderestan Military starships, cruisers and destroyers which were grouped into 900 Amderestan Military Combat Assault Groups increased their patrols of the Northeast Astoria Galaxy's eastern edge.  

Over at the Sancalian Federal Council Building situated in the government district of Sancalia City, the current Sancalian High Councilor who had replaced Ninnas after he decided not serve an term in office activated a holographic map of the Sancalia Galaxy and focused on the western edge where the 157,286,400 Sancalian Federal Military starships, crusiers, and destroyers were involved in combat exercises. The three-dimensional map also showed the current positions of the 235,929,600 Williamson-class and Abrams-class Amderestan Military starships, cruisers and destroyers on the western edge of the Northeast Astoria Galaxy as well.

"Well, as you all can likely tell. The Amderestan Military Forces in the Astoria Territory have been increasing over the past several weeks now." Sancalian High Councilor Therrans told the twelve Sancalian Councilors seated around the table. "I have given orders for our forces to conduct combat exercises near the western edge of our galaxy."

Kevin Lettanan who represented the Sancalians who lived on the planets in the First Sancalian District located in the northwestern corner of the Sancalian Galaxy had concerns about the exercises. "If I may be permitted to speak freely." He began. "The Amderestan Military's Abrams-class and Williamson-class starships, crusiers, and destroyers did a number on our forces during our border conflict back in 90,050-51."

"We are aware of those events, Lettanan." Councilor Markans responded from three chairs to the right of Councilor Nerrans who currently represented the Sancalians who lived on the planets within the Fifth Sancalian Federal District.

"However, Councilor Lettanan has a point there." Councilor Thomas Meridan responded as he sipped from the glass of water in front of him on the table and set it back down. "We have a fairly large number of Combat Assault Groups, Aerial Assault Groups, and Infantry Assault Groups deployed in the Alcasian Galaxy. I can't see how anyone who has read over the vast amount of After Action Reports from our Combat and Aerial Assault Group Commanders can even consider breaking the armistice."

"Let's turn to matters here on Sancalia." Sancalian High Councilor Therrans said to Councilor Kevin Lettanan, Councilor Thomas Meridan, Councilor Brad Thomasville, Councilor Kevin Jerrison, Councilor James Smith, Councilor Luke Thompson, Councilor Tom Leddans, Councilor Michael Jerrin, Councilor Harold Brandonson, Councilor Jack Gerran, Councilor Jack Kerran, Councilor Ken Tommans, and Councilor Mark Terrans. "According to reports from Commander Marrans at Sancalian Federal Military Intelligence, an Amderestan Military Intelligence officer was recently captured, questioned, and executed."

"You're talking about Amderestan Military Colonel William Vellans, I assume." Councilor Kevin Jerrison commented in response. "There might be others here on Sancalia who could have had contact with Vellans."

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