Chapter Five

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Chapter Five

Onboard the Ancalsia on March 5th, 90,057, Commander Jack Kellson stood in the starboard stellar observation room which had a holographic map of the Alcasia Galaxy that showed the transponder signals of the vessels which were part of Amdronian Group Alliance Military Combat Assistance Force Beta as green circles. Amderestan Military, Tarozenian Military, Dancalian Military, Quineunian Military, and Qauneunian Military vessels in Amdronian Group Alliance Military Combat Assistance Force Alpha were shown as green sqaures while the Alcasian Military vessels were indicated by green rectangles by the Identify Friend or Foe system on each vessel.

In the Alacasian Republic controlled Amsens Sectors which had a number of 12,000 planetary systems, Commander Kevin Evans, commanding officer of the 9896564th Amderestan Military Combat Assault Group looked out of the port side plasma window in the CO's office onboard the Lonscia. He watched as fifteen Abrams-class starships supported by 480 shuttles and transports exchanged laser, torpedeo and missile fire with sixty-four Omega class Sarian Military, Kanalsian Military, Sancalian Military, and Alcasian Federal Military destroyers.

The fifteen vessels in the 45575th Amderestan Military Combat Assault Fleet along with the 480 shuttles and transports launched from those vessels damaged thirty Sarian Military, Kanalsian Military, Sancalian Military and Alcasian Federal Military destroyers in the attack and destroyed another two hundred and fifty-six starships, crusiers, and destroyers.

Back onboard the Alconsia, Commander Jack Kellson listened to the ship-to-ship Video Audio Communication Screen transmissions sent between Amderestan Military, Tarozenian Military, Dancalian Military, Quanuenian Military and Quinuenian Military starships, crusiers and destroyers while he watched a real-time tactical display which showed a number of Amdronian Group Alliance Military vessels in Southwestern qaudrant of the Alcasia Galaxy.

"Angeria to Hersalia, thirty enemy contacts are closing on your position from bearing three-eight-zero." Captain Johnson's voice said over the Video Audio Communication Screen.

Admiral Tersnas who served onboard the Hersalia AM-98886-L as the bridge communications officer responded. "Angerina, we see them on our scanners. Half of our shuttle and transports are either under attack by enemy forces or have been destroyed."

Commander Janson's voice came over the VACS a moment later. "I want the 67675th, 454575th, 676787th, 232545th, 787896th, 787854th, 8989654th, 676886th and 989865th Combat Assault Divisions to break off and flank the Alcasian Federal Military Combat Assault Army in the Ankalisin Sectors."

In the Ankalisan Sectors, the 9,216 Abrams-class Amderestan Military starships, crusiers and destroyers in the 67675th Amderestan Military Combat Assault Division, 454575th Amderestan Military Combat Assault Division, 676787th Amderestan Military Combat Assault Division, 232545th Amderestan Military Combat Assault Disivion, 787896th Amderestan Military Combat Assault Division, 8989654th Amderestan Military Combat Assault Division, 676886th Amderestan Military Combat Assault Division and the 989865th Amderestan Military Combat Assault Divisions launched an assault against the 676765th Alcasian Federal Military Combat Assault Army.

Over the next twenty-four hours, the 676765th Alcasian Federal Military Combat Assault Army lost several thousand starships, crusiers and destroyers along with hundreds of shuttles and transports in an intense series of battles against the 9,216 Abrams-class Amderestan Military starships, crusiers and destroyers in the 67675th Amderestan Military Combat Assault Division, 454575th Amderestan Military Combat Assault Division, 676787th Amderestan Military Combat Assault Division, 232545th Amderestan Military Combat Assault Disivion, 787896th Amderestan Military Combat Assault Division, 8989654th Amderestan Military Combat Assault Division, 676886th Amderestan Military Combat Assault Division and the 989865th Amderestan Military Combat Assault Divisions.

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