The Ghost and I; Prologue

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It was a bright sunny day and it was our last field trip in high school. Though it was really warm, me and my friends laughed and told jokes on the bus just not to feel the warm weather  on our way.

The road seemed deserted it was about one kilometer beside a hill and you can clearly see the waves of heat. It had been a quiet ride as everyone is too tired to speak until suddenly the driver said... "I think this is not the right way. I was so sure that I've been following the right directions but this is really unexpected."

Then everyone looked outside of the bus. All of a sudden, out of no where, a large boulder of rock came rolling down the hill. Everyone screamed and scrammed out of the bus as quickly as possible as it seemed that the bus was suddenly not working. I used the windows to go out so that after me, my bestfriend would be next.

"Ralph hurry! Hurry!" I said.

"Sisi, I can't. I'm stuck. My foot wont come out."

"How's that even possible? You have to get out!"

" I know but I just can't, something's pulling me!" He was crying and helpless as I was pulling him out, he kept on crying 'Help me Sisi!. Help me!' But the boulder kept moving closer increasing with speed and momentum. As it was just a hundred meters away, he pushed me and told me to go. Even though it's hard to leave him I run as fast as I could, bursting with tears so that couldn't see the way then I heard a loud crashing sound. It hit rigt in the middle, where mine and my bestfriend Ralph's sit is, the boulder was more than half the size of the bus I  still saw half of Ralph's body. the clash was too Strong that set a very high impact. I cried again. Shaken with shat had happened.


That was all I ever dreamed of. A month have passed but it was all still very clear in my mind...


After that the driver brought out the map and figured that it was really the wrong way. We travelled by foot and saw where the root of all this chaos was from. We saw that the arrow was pointing at the wrong direction... It was really old so it's easy t be spun around by the wind.

After two days, a search party came and brought us back into the City. 

After Ralph's parents heard of the story, they were blaming everyone, even me. I could't say the truth, how could they ever believe if I'd say someone was pulling him? I just told them that his foot was stuck between the chairs because of being in such a hurry and that it was too late for me to get him out so he pushed me. After that his parents said no more. His parents had him cremated afterwards and sprinkled his ashes in the beach where we used to go during vacations. It was his favorite place.


The night after sprinkling his ashes, as I prepare to sleep, I saw Ralph on my bed, sitting as he always do while waiting for me to play my guitar and sing along with him, then I remembered that after that we'd be telling jokes and chit-chat with each other and how we used to tell our secrets and comfort each other.

 That memory made me forget he's dead and went to him but all of a sudden he's gone. That was when I remembered he no longer lives.

Then a cold wind came from the window and with it is a voice. It was Ralph's.

Normally you would feel chills but I felt longing. I want him back. I know you must be saying that he's just my best friend but the truth is, I love him. That I never revealed because i know it would ruin our friendship, like most others did.

I can still remember our friend Dino who confessed to Riane. They were close friends but because of that they were never that close anymore. By the way the four of us (including Ralph) are a group so after that, Riane would either talk to me or Ralph. That goes with Dino as well.

Any ways, back to the story.

Then I was crying like a baby, I whispered "I love you Ralph... I love you..." Thinking that He's already dead that it didn't matter until I cried myself to sleep... I saw him in my dreams. He was genuinely handsome with a radiant light at his back. He drew nearer and as he touched my hands and I woke up. It was past midnight I thought I was still sleeping for he was standing right in front of me.

"Ralph... I love you..." I said, "I didn't tell you because I knew that once I tell you, we'd be like Dino and Riane..." 

I hugged him very tightly he felt so real, but he was cold, He looked kindly and straight into my eyes, He drew closer and whispered 'now I know why I came back...'

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