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I woke up in the tent at the beach with Nash we were naked and under the sheet I looked at the time my eyes were still blurry from just waking up I knew it had to be wrong 6:32? But we were here at 11:00 my eyes cleared up that wasn't the real time it was 8!!! OMG!!!! I looked at my phone and there were a lot of messages from my mom like where are you what are you doing and all that kind of stuff I got up and started to get my clothes on he asked me where I was going I told him when I reached for my shirt on the bed he grabbed my hand and pulled me to him he stared to kiss me and he said to tell her. Was spinning the night somewhere so I did and my mom said it was okay so I hopped onto the bed with him and we went for round 2. After we were done I looked out of the tent to see if anyone was there and it was emptied so I took Nash's hand and dragged him to the ocean and we hopped into the ocean he picked me up and threw me back into the ocean he splashed water in my face I splashed it back then we saw guys walk out of their tent and it was Cameron and some people there. Cameron started to come in the ocean but he was taking off his clothes he came in and started to come to me I went away and he yelled "it's nothing I haven't seen before!" he caught up with me and hugged me and it was awkward he smelled like of alcohol!!! I pushed him away but then he kissed my lips and then my neck Nash pulled him off and started to punch him over and over again. I ran to the tent and got my clothes on and I grabbed Nash's clothes I ran into the water pulled Nash off I gave him his clothes he put them on and we left. He asked if I wanted to stay at his house I said no to just take me home so that's what we did and we just drove the rest of the way in silence.

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