Chapter 1

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Click clack click clack was all that was heard as I ran down the hallway with all of my most prized possessions stuffed into a suitcase. If I didn't know where I was going I would've ran into a wall with how blurry my vision was. One of my eyes was swollen and the other had tears falling. Yet again he did this but this time it's much worst. There was no coming back from this this time.  I was done.

30 minutes earlier

I checked and doubled checked the time as I sat waiting for my man of 6 years Deandre. It was our anniversary and I spent the whole day getting everything ready and perfect for us from getting myself right to cooking, cleaning, and setting the house up to look as romantic as I could get it in the timeframe I gave myself, only for him not to show up. Not only did he not show up he wasn't picking up his phone either.

I knew he seen the various calls and texts I left him since the time he was supposed to be here until now, slamming my phone down on the table I shook my head. I was use to him not paying any attention to the things that's important to me and disappearing for countless hours but to miss our anniversary was a new low even for him. Deciding not to just sit there and wait like usual, I hopped up grabbing my keys to my black and pink charger as I went out the door, he wasn't picking up but I had an idea of where he was.

I was really getting sick of this, never did I think the man who went above and beyond to get me would treat me the way he has. It's like once he knew he had me all the affection and love just slowly started to fade away and just like most women I stayed trying to fix things wanting things to work out since I really loved that man. He was the first person to really show me love not to mention he bought me whatever I wanted when I wanted it. How could I leave?

He was everything I ever wanted in a man at least that's what I thought. I met him when I was only 13 and life for me was no walk in the park, my mother never gave a fuck if I was coming or going as long as I didn't bother her. So to have somebody come in and really care meant the most to me. Lately though I been seeing the man I once was in love with ain't the same man who goes to bed with me some nights. It couldn't be, my man made sure to check up on me, paid attention when I talked and came home at night every night.

Wiping away the tears I didn't even realize were falling I continued on my mission. I was sick and tired of his shit and him missing our anniversary was the last straw. It seemed like the last two years of our relationship I've been the only one putting in work to make this work and I'm tired. If he don't want to be with me that's fine, that's all he has to say. I should be thinking about what college to go to instead of this bullshit. This was taking my focus away from what I should be focused on.

Pulling up to the trap Dre be at the most I seen the regulars hanging around, serving people while others had blunts and bottles in they hands. Just parlaying around, looking stupid as fuck. They was supposed to be watching the block yet I was able to see everything they was doing from the spot I was parked at. I thought they was supposed to be low key but everything about this said drug dealing. Even I knew that and I'm not even out here like that. Dre needed to get new people out here cause these dudes not it. Scanning the cars that lined the street I spotted his red charger parked a few houses down. Hopping out I walked past all of them and made my way in.

They didn't say anything to stop me since they knew that I was the bosses chick, and they really didn't want no smoke with him. He could be a mean muthafucka who would make anybody life hell if he wanted to. A side of him I just seen recently and I wasn't feeling it at all. He's was going to have to do better if he wanted me to stay. At least I'm hoping he'll do better, if he really loved me that is. Going straight to the back room that he turned into an office, I never expected to see what I walked in on.

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