Chapter 4

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What happened that night in the alley happened for a reason. 

It exposed my power to me.  A power I have had since birth.


Why would Sean Markwell, son of a businessman and a secretary, become a “superhero”?

Remember that thing I said about destiny? Well, this is where it plays in.

I don’t care if you’re an atheist or a Christian or Jewish or Muslim or whatever, but you have to believe that everyone is here for a reason.  Whether you live up to that expectation is up to you.

Well, my destiny was a bit hard to figure out.  It was actually found by accident…

It was an unusually windy day in—Ok, terrible intro.

I’ll just start from where the action starts.

Close your eyes.  Now open them, because you can’t read with your eyes closed. 

Now anyway, imagine a short teenage boy with black hair and green-blue eyes walking down the sidewalk.  Now imagine a tall man running towards the boy.  The man looks behind him, and almost runs into the boy.

Ok, the boy is me if you hadn’t guessed.  I saw this guy hurtling toward me, and of course I decided to take advantage of my power.  He turned to look behind him, and right before impact I think, “Pass through”.

But instead of what I expected, what did happen changed everything.

You see, in that dark alley, I made a blade pass through me.  I had never tried with a human, but I always assumed I would get the same result.


When the man rammed into me, I didn’t just stay in the same place and he keep running. 

I went inside of him.

Muahahaha cliffhanger! Ah yes, suspense...My best friend ;D  I am the worst writer ever for upload time, but I'll try to get better... Promise *puppy dog eyes*

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