Another Introduction

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That was the day I found out what I can do.  

I, Sean Markwell, can pass through things.  Well, it’s actually not that simple.  I have to… think about it.  Almost like my brain sending a signal to my nervous system, whatever mutated brain I have sends this signal to my screwed-up nerves.  But yeah.  I'm not always pass through-able.

These are my times of weakness in a fight, my Achilles heel.  If you can attack before I have time to think, then it’s goodbye Sean.

But how? Why is it that I can move through objects as if they are air, or water, like they aren't even there?

And why? Why is it that I, a as-normal-as-you-can-call-a-foster-child-with-a-sob-story-past 15 year old guy, randomly developed a superpower? 

I am Sean Markwell, and I am here to tell you.

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