Love Letters (Part 45)

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Dear Jem,

That’s right, I’m sure whatever happened was only because of the heat of the moment. Everyone deserves a second chance.

Sigmund Freud was a psychologist; he believed that our dreams revealed our unconscious desires. Three guesses as to what my dream meant?

I actually had a phase where I wanted to pierce one of my ears; I thought it was the cool thing to do. Thankfully, my entire family objected and I wasn’t allowed to get one. Thank God for family, eh?

If Sam doesn’t want to fight for his love, then so be it. He’ll probably regret it one day.

The dreams you give up on will haunt you forever.’

-       As a great man once said.

I’m surprised about your shoplifting phase; I had you down as the angelic, do-good type. Clearly, I was wrong!

If I could change one thing about myself, it would be the way people view me. People think I’m some hot-headed guy who can’t control his temper. Everyone loses it sometimes, even the people you least expect it from. They think I’m the local bad ass, they assume things about me that are completely wrong. If I could, I’d change the way people think of me. I’m not saying it’s entirely a bad thing, it gets me respect, but do I want that kind of respect? People fear me, even though they’ve never seen me doing anyone any actual harm, it’s stupid.

What would you change about yourself?



P.S In case you haven’t worked out what my dream meant… - On second thoughts, let’s just leave it at that.

The phone in the hallway had been ringing for ages and no one had picked it up yet.

‘Somebody get the phone!’ I bellowed from my room, though nobody moved to answer it.

‘Get the phone!’ I yelled again, to no avail.

‘Get the – Oh for God’s sake.’ I muttered to myself, getting up to answer it.



‘Speaking,’ I replied dryly, wondering who it was.

‘It’s Jack.’

‘Oh hey, what’s up? Everything’s alright, isn’t it?’

‘Yep, just calling to make sure you guys haven’t killed each while I’ve been gone.’

‘Actually, a few of us have been on the verge of murder recently.’

‘Oh yeah?’ Jack asked, chuckling. It was good to hear from him, I’d kind of missed having him around those last few days.

‘The worst is Alex, who knew she’d be such a bridezilla? One minute she’s screaming about the flowers being two shades lighter than they should be and the next it’s because she’s dropped an ounce so she has to have her dress measured again.’

Jack laughed again, ‘Well, you hang in there buddy, for my sake. I need this thing to go down without any flaws.’

Suddenly Alex snatched the phone off me, she looked like a wild woman, her hair all over the place and her nails battered and chewed-on. She covered the mouthpiece and hissed, ‘I heard that comment about bridezilla; you watch your back Tyler Matthews.’

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