Chapter Five - The Pond Residence

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"Oh! You brought a friend!" the red-head who opened the door beamed, "Roary! L.D. brought a friend!"

"Um... Hello," I wavered.

"Nan," L.D. introduced, "This is Ezibel Prince... Ezzie, this is my grandmother, Amelia Pond."

"What happened?" a brown-haired man came into view.

"And that's my grandfather, Roary," L.D. explained, "Roary... This is Ezibel Prince."

"Well, come inside!" Amy smiled, "Your... Um... Father is here and he'd love to meet your friend."

"Heh," I hesitated, "Well... I don't mean to intrude on your family time..."

"Oh, don't be silly," Amy took me by the arm and dragged me into the house.

"Did you see what some punk did to my car?" Roary asked L.D. as I was taken into the house.

"Your red one?" L.D. blinked, "That's not good."

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