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JUNE AWOKE ON THE MORNING OF HER FIRST official Mender training with a heavy heart

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JUNE AWOKE ON THE MORNING OF HER FIRST official Mender training with a heavy heart. While she also was a rare magical being, she was also, a teenage girl with responsibilities and a life outside being heralded as some almighty wolf princess over a pack of shape shifters. Which meant, that as her dad had to officially go back to work from his short-lived paternity leave, her mother also had to return to her job as the new principal for the elementary school down at the Reservation. And since it was a Saturday and June was off, but Bella was working, it left little and amiable Willie Swan in the care of his second oldest sister. She dressed herself up in her normal 'straight out of the eighties' attire that took some inspiration from the bohemian chic era as well — which meant a floral pattern off the shoulder-shirt with some light colored high waisted jeans and her incredibly long hair that was turning darker each day, losing the blonde tint and changing to honey brown.

           Daphne knocked on her door as she passed the hall, pushing the already opened entryway. She smiled at Willie who was on June's bed, playing with his rattle and pacifying his baby gums with the toy. "I've got my orientation today, new principal, sweetheart so I might be late." She says with a frown. "Are you sure you're fine with taking Willie?"

"Grandma will be there," June assures as she stocks her brothers diaper bag with all its essentials. "She'll watch him while Sue and Harry and Billy talk to me and stuff. But I'll be there every moment I can."

Daphne, little unnerved with another child being near Iris was understandable—she didn't want a death prophecy pinned on her new golden child. Daphne, looking beautiful in a simple dress and heels, pinned her earrings in as she nodded to June. Blowing a kiss to her daughter and rushing to press kisses on her son's infant chubby face before leaving once she heard his air of giggles ring out. Daphne was obviously hesitant about leaving Willie — she hasn't been apart from him for a day since he was born. But time flies by quickly and duty calls. Literally.

Daphne goes to her, "If you feel for any moment that it isn't what you want to do, you leave, got it?" Her mother says firmly, rubbing her arm. "They can deal with the vampire problem on their own, it's what they're made for."

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