『 twenty four: I MISS HIM MORE THAN SUMMER. 』

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 『 chapter xxiv : I MISS HIM MORE THAN SUMMER 』

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chapter xxiv : I MISS HIM MORE THAN SUMMER 』

 『 chapter xxiv : I MISS HIM MORE THAN SUMMER 』

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JUNE HATED HOSPITALS. OF THAT, SHE WAS certain. She knew she must've said it hundreds of times. It was the only place that people could be both born and die in. But right now, June quite loved the labor room that Daphne Uley was resting in, holding a bouncing baby in the crook of her arms that Juniper and Bella got to call their little brother. Daphne labored for eight hours in the early morning of February nineteenth ( barely a Pisces ) and successfully delivered a boy — a son she names William, Willie for short, a homage to Charlie's best friend and that ring of royalty it gave which Daphne was fond of. June loves William already, the second she and her older sister went into the room and saw him nursing from their mother. Willie has those untamable Swan curls but black in color, and his eyes, true to what everyone hoped, are blue like ice. June's mother says they'll darken as he gets older but June doesn't think so. Her baby brother is an absolute angel, he never cries, only when he's hungry. He wraps his little hand around anyone who's arms he's in. June watches as she sits in the corner as Bella's downstairs getting food, how Daphne's smile and Charlie's starry eyed look never leave them. Their in bliss. They should be. They have every right to be happy.

June remembers those looks well, she'd seen them on the photos that were taken when June herself was born. She gets handed Willie when her dad has to go bathroom and her mom naps, exhausted from laboring, she deserves a good rest.

All June can do is look down at her little brother, his little mouth moving, "Hey, little brother," She murmurs softly. He coos a bit. She smiles. "It's June, your big sister. You have another one, she's downstairs, she'll be up in a bit. I don't know how long I'll have with you ... I hope it's a while."

It chokes her up. June pauses for a moment to just take it all in and realize she'll never have this. She won't have the doting nurses at her bedside and the adoring husband and the other children to greet their newest sibling — she won't even be alive to have anything. June will never be mother. She'll never hold one of her own in her arms. As if sensing his older sisters distress, Willie makes a small whimpering sound. June rocks him softly, shushing him with a soothing voice.

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