『 sixteen: DEAD GIRL WALKING. 』

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『 chapter xvi: DEAD GIRL WALKING

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chapter xvi: DEAD GIRL WALKING.  』


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FIFTEEN-YEAR OLD JUNIPER SWAN WAS GONE. Ever since the Leo girl had a birthday on July twenty-fourth, she was sixteen year old Juniper Swan. Nothing changed about it, really. She was still hoping to die, she had blonde hair which was darkening to a more honey color, her eyes were still really blue, and she still had strange bruises scattering her arms and legs and wrists. Oh, yeah and she could still make plants appear and she healed Patrick Verona's paw when he ran into a briar shrub and got scratched, even though her grandmothers eyes when she saw the bruise on her arm from that simple action told her she wasn't supposed to ( his whining was heartbreaking, fuck anyone who said a dog wasn't important). Her birthday party was a really homely thing that had her sickened by the sweetness of it all, her school disciples were all around her wishing her another year of goodness and vocally hoping that she'd remain the demon queen of high school, secretly she was overthrown, but still hoping she'd be using her social powers to either delete or add anyone she pleases.

                June never saw herself as a reckoning social force, but she was no longer sweet sophomore Juniper Swan. She was junior June Swan, now the Forks High cheerleading captain ever since mean girl ( but nice to her ) Carly Montgomery left for Seattle last month. So naturally, June took the empty pedestal to her own leisure. And maybe it was because she could feel her impending death now more than ever and this was some sorta awakening or grieving, or both, probably both, but June was feeling superior. But it had to do with the perpetual entitlement that came with being a pretty blonde in a small town where the most exciting thing that could happen was having their football team go to state, which they did, surprisingly. Had she lived in a normal world, correction: had she still lived obliviously in this wacky world, June's biggest problem might be Jessica Stanley vying for her spot to be the queen bitch.

Alas, that wasn't the case — June wasn't oblivious, she wasn't just another blonde, her biggest enemy wasn't Jessica Stanley or Lauren Kingston, or Sam's annoyingly watchful eyes, it was time. Time. She didn't have a lot of it, she knew. And time loved to rub that in her face it seemed. Because months had flown by, five to be exact. June's mother was glowing with her pregnancy and Charlie was over the moon; for the first time, June knew what Daphne was talking about every time she mentioned being pregnant with June and how happy Charlie was.

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