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MONSTERS ARE REAL. VAMPIRES ARE, TOO. Two things that June Swan was absolutely sure about, the two things she spent the entire night fussing over once she grabbed that book that Bella had gotten in Port Angeles while her older sister was asleep. Those two things she knew for a fact. The third was still a bit fuzzy, she was working on it, at length. Edward Cullen and his family were vampires; their ages varying, but all older than what they claim to be. The legends weren't legends and the tall tales and scary stories she heard as a little girl on the Reservation about the stone people who slaughtered tribes and tore families apart wasn't so fictional or tall in the least bit. June felt a digging desire to understand more, she needed to know more. It finally made sense. If she hadn't been slowly losing her mind in the past month, she would've thought the word vampires was just some form of goth expression ( no offense to the goths ) or something like that. She would've laughed and told herself, okay June, take a nap you maniac. She would've never believed her own mind. She still doesn't, but this conclusion was summed up with every single fact she had — why the weren't in school on sunny days, why they usually missed blood typing labs, why they were so cold to the touch. Stone-like. June wondered what the tribe thought of her then. Did they know about the Cullen's? Was that why they wanted her to stay away from them?

Her palms her glowed more times in that night of her unrest than ever before; she painted and painted, only coming up with the same things: golden eyes and red eyes and black eyes, all murderous, all hungry and all out for the hunt. June didn't know why her mind told her hands to paint what it saw, she wondered where she'd ever seen those eyes before ... she didn't like the realization.

              June had a headache of unanswered questions and she was going to have them answered one way or another. After waking up earlier than usual, she rushed for a shower and then proceeded to be dressed in her cheer outfit, the Friday cheer off's coming quicker than they usually do, and pulled her think dirty blonde hair into a high ponytail, slapping the large navy blue and gold bow on top. She was out the door before anyone was even awake in the neighborhood it seemed; she checked her phone and the time on it. 6:32.

Teen Spirit.     Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя