Chapter 22

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Emma's POV


Trying to look around but I can't seem to find Jace, which practically leaves me with no choice but to get out of this car.

"Jace?!" I yelled.

The park was deserted and it was really dark out side. I kept yelling his name but I never got an answer. Walking along a side walk I come across a swing set where Jace was sitting rocking himself back and forth slowly. He looked so sad it made my heart break. Walking closer to him I could hear him sobbing softly, I sat in the swing next to his and just stayed quiet. I can't help to wonder the exact details of what happened to his brother but I wasn't going to ask. I sat there for a couple of minutes until he finally said something.

"I'm sorry." He said softly as he got up from the swing set.

"Why are you saying sorry?" I frowned.

"Because Emmie, I really fucking like you but I always mess everything up. I don't think I can even give you the affect that you deserve, I can't let myself let anyone one in. To many people hurt me in the past. I just can't fucking take it anymore!" He wiped tears that were running down his face.

I quickly got up from where I was sitting and hugged Jace tightly. His hands wrapped around me as if he never wanted to let me go.

"Jace you don't have to say sorry, I'm not the easiest person to get along with either. I understand how you feel and to be honest I like you too." I said softly as he still hugged me.

"Lets just go home okay?" He kissed the top of my head and I nodded in agreement.


The car came to a stop in front of my house. The whole car ride back was silent and he never turned to look at me.

"Um...Do you want to come in?" I asked a bit nervous.

He sighed. "Sure." Turning of the car we got out. As we entered the house I turned to see Jace still a little un easy.

"Do you want something? Food? Soda? Anything?" I asked but he just shook his head saying no.

Awkwardness just filled the air. I could find what to say or what to do so I just walked to my room assuming he would follow. I sat on my bed as he walked in through the door with sadness dragging him over. I've never seen him like this.

"Maybe I should just go home." He sighed.

"Can you just stay a little while?"

"Well I can't resist that little pout of yours." He chuckled. "Yeah sure why not." He sat next to me with a sad look still on his face.

Weird feeling ran through my body. It's not like normal tingly feelings like before its a mixture of wanting to help and confusion all in one. I don't know how to even start a conversation or what to do.

"I don't know what to say " he shrugged.

"Well maybe we can just lay down and look at the ceiling,  it'll be awkward but sometime silence is best for the mind." I place my hand on his shoulder makinhg him smile back at me.

That smile of his that for some reason is so perfect and makes me feel so sure of myself. Its incredible how he's been through so much and then again be able to have that gorgeous smile on his face. we laid down on my bed and jist stared at the plain white ceiling and after a couple minutes of silence he wrapped himself around me resting his head on my chest. I run my fingers through his soft hair to confort him.

"He was so full of life and he didn't deserve to die like that." Jace said softly.

I don't know what to say, should I ask what happened or just stay silent?

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