chapter 8

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  • Dedicated to josh hutcherson

Kate’s pov

Kaitlin handed me a long dress that was meant for an old lady I gave it a weird look then went to go and get changed. I hesitated before I went out of the room I looked in the mirror and made a face I looked like an old granny. So I stayed in the  room for 10 minutes till Kaitlin came in

“  Come on get out of my room before you stink it all up” Kaitlin said.

“ Why do I have to wear this” I asked.

“ Because it matches your personality” she said with a smirk. Gr Kaitlin makes me so angry .

“ I know what you’re trying   to  do” I said.

“ Oh yeah what is that” she said while flashing her beautiful white teeth.

“ You’re trying to break me and josh up so you can be with him” I said.

“  Well finally it took you long enough to realise it and it’s not as hard as I thought “ she said.

“ He loves me you know it’s just I’ve never heard him say it but I know he does “ I said  as I gave her my evil eye. My evil  eye works with everyone . One  person even called the police when I gave her my evil eye.

“ I wouldn’t be too sure about that” she said while  smirking again. At that moment josh walked in

“ Hey guys what’s taking you’s so “ then he paused and started laughing .

“ Josh why are you laughing at me” I yelled  then Kaitlin stood next to josh and started laughing to.

“ I’m sorry Kate its just you look like an old clown right now” josh said as both of them laughing . Then Kaitlin pretended to fall over and she took josh down to so he was on top of her.

Joshes pov

“ Grrr “ Kate said as she stormed of.

“ Kate” I yelled  as I ran after her.

“ What do you want josh” Kate said as she turned around to face me.

“ I’m sorry I laughed at you I know that was rude  but can you please forgive me” I begged.

“ I’m not angry that you laughed at me I’m angry at Kaitlin don’t you see what she’s trying to do she’s trying to break  us up” Kate yelled.

“ Kate you’re just being jealous no she’s not” I said.

“ Are you taking her side” Kate yelled.

“ I’m not taking anyone s side “ I yelled back.

“ Just leave me alone josh” she said as she turned around.

“ Fine” I said angrily as I walked away. I don’t understand how Kate can accuse Kaitlin of something like that Kaitlin is a nice girl and she helped me and Kate and gave us some clothes and food.

“ Hey josh do you want some champagne ” Kate asked me  .  She now changed into a gorges’ blue long dress maybe katlin   is trying to break me and Kate up no it’s probably what she usually wears.

“Yeah that would be great thanks “ I said as I smirked and sat down. Kaitlin  poured some champagne and sat down next to me.

“ Here you go” she said as she handed me a glass of champagne .

“ Thanks” I said as I took it from her.

“ Cheers” she said as we knocked our glasses together. We both took a sip.

“ so what’s the next movie you’re filming” she asked. I liked how she wasn’t talking about Kate because I really didn’t want to.

“ Um I’m not sure yet” I answered. After my 3rd glass I was drunk and we both were dancing to the song total eclipse of a heart . Even though it was a soft song we were doing rock dance moves and we kept falling over and laughing our heads of. Then when another soft song came on I tried to help  her up      then it was like my body was moving on its own cause I leaned forwed and kissed her.

“ Josh how could you” a voice said. I looked  up and saw Kate standing at the door  crying.

“ That’s it were over I’m not your girlfriend anymore”  Kate said as she stormed of. I was too drunk to care.

“ Let’s go take a walk” she said after a while.

“ Ok” I said as we both skipped through the island. We talked for a while and laughed till it hurt.

‘” omg josh a boat lets swim to it” Kaitlin said. So we swam to it and I forgot about Kate because I was drunk. Then the boat took off with us in it leaving Kate alone behind I n the island.

Hey guys I hope you liked this chapter I made this chapter longer then there others because this is the final chapter. I’m not joking this time but there is going to be a sequel  called still trapped in an island with josh hutherson and I will try to upload it soon the sequel will be just like a new chapter only in a different book.

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