chapter 5

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1 month later

Kate’s pov

I woke up this morning and my leg was actually feeling better but I didn’t know if I could walk yet though.

“Josh” I called. I couldn’t see him anywhere then josh appeared with a sad look on his face.

“What’s wrong” I asked concerned.

“I’ll tell you later what you need to tell me” he asked.

“My leg is feeling better I don’t know if I can walk yet though” I said excitedly as I grinned.

“That’s great” josh said in a soft voice as he kissed me.

“Let’s see if you can walk “he said as he stood next to me.

“What no what if I fall over and my leg will start hurting again” I said as I panicked.

“Its fine I’ll be by your side the whole time” josh said as he helped me up and put a hand around my waist. Then I did it I walked josh carefully took his hands away from my waist and I walked by myself.

“Yay I did it woo “I Cheered as I jumped up and down.

“Omg Kate you did it you can walk again” joshes said as he lifted me up in his arms and swang me around in a circle. Then he leaned forewed to kiss me and it started to rain but we didn’t care. The kiss lasted a while until josh pulled back and said.

“Come on I’ll show you around the island you should see it it’s beautiful”. We walked around for around an hour josh was right it really was beautiful. We went back to where the log was and sat down.

“Josh what it like is to be famous” I asked.

“Well it can be nice for a while but then you need a break once in a while cause when you’re a star you forget who you really are but when I met you I found myself again and when I’m with you I’m josh not josh hutcherson “josh said as he placed a strand of my hair behind my ear.

“Hey you know how you want to become an actor how about I teach you some acting skills” josh said. I pretended to be katnis in the hunger games and Lesley in the bridge to teribithea and we josh said that I was a pretty good actor.

“Josh I’m hungry we haven’t eating all day” I said when we stopped acting.

“Oh right well um Kate that’s what I wanted to tell you before” he looked really serious.

“What is it josh what’s wrong” I asked.

“Well because we have been living on fruit and nuts for a month there’s no more food left in this island” he said as I started crying.

Hey guys I hope youy liked this sorry it took me a long time to upload I didn’t know what to write this chjapter about . anyway so vote and comment to let me know what you think oh and I made a book trailer for this u guys should check it out.

Trapped in a island with josh hutchersonWhere stories live. Discover now