chapter 3

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Joshes pov

“Help” I yelled but she couldn’t hear me.even if she could hear me she wouldn’t be able to help me cause she has a broken leg .i continued walking but I couldn’t find my way back.

Kate’s pov

Half an hour past and josh still wasn’t back I was really worried.

“Josh “I yelled

“Josh where are you”. I tried to get up and run but I tripped over a log

“Ahhhhh” I screamed my leg hurt so much that I passed out.

Joshes pov

I heard her scream so I ran as fast as I can  to where the scream came from. Then I saw her lying on the ground her leg was bleeding. If only I stayed with her this wouldn’t of happened . I laid her down and I felt her forehead she was burning up and  she was sweating like crazy .  I took my shirt of and wet it then I put it on her forehead

Kate’s pov

I woke up and saw a shirtless josh sitting next to me .

“ hey your awake “ he said.

“ oh josh I thought you were gone and that you were never coming back”I said as I cryed.

“ shh its ok im here now” josh said as he put a strand of my hair  behind my ear.

“ whats your name” he said.

“ kate”

“its gonna be ok kate where gonna get out of here” he said.

“ josh my leg hurts and I feel sick”.  josh  looked at my leg and  said

“ I’ll be back there’s a leaf that is big enough to rap around your leg it might be able to stop the bleeding” josh said as he got up.i grabbed his hand and said

“ josh wait please don’t go”.he leaned down and kissed me on the forehead and said

“ it’s ok ill be back I promise”.

Joshes pov

I felt really bad for leaving kate there but I needed to stop the bleeding. I found the tree where leaf was one and I went back and found kate sitting on the log  . “ hey im back’ I said as I kneeled down in front of her.

“ hi” she said .

“ ok this is going to hurt a bit” I said.

‘ what no” she said as she started  panicking .

“ its ok kate it will only hurt a   little bit ok” I said as I grabed hold of her hand. Straight when the leaf touched her skin she flinched And squeezed my hand .” ok im done  see that wasn’t so hard was it”  she shook her head .

“well its late you should get some sleep it will make you feel better” I said.cause the log was   to small to sleep on I lifted her up in my arms cause she couldn’t walk and I lied her down on the sand.

“ goodnight kate” .

“ night josh”. I went to bed half an hour laterbut I woke up to the sound of crying.

“ kate are you ok” I saiud as I sat next  to her .

“ were never gonna get out of here” she said as she cryed some more.i put my arm around her and said

“ kate don’t say that  of  coarse we wil “.

“ um kate why didn’t you swim when you fell out of the boat and why were you in a small boat alone”

“ i cant swim and I ran away from home” she said .

“ why” I asked.

B”because my parents want me to become a docter but I want to  be a actor like you “. I pulled her in to a hug and she sobbed in to  my shoulder. I felt so bad and sorry for her  I cant believe she ran  away

“ when your leg gets better ill teach you to swim ok but till then lets get some sleep” I said as w went.

away from her. When she stopped crying I pulled back and we starred at each other for a moment . she looked  so beautiful and I  really like her. So I leand closer to her  and pressed my lips agains hers . she went frozen then I she kissed me back. Iu pulled back and smiled at her she returned my  smile  . “ when your leg gets better ill teach you to swim ok but till then lets get some sleep” I said as went to sleep.

Trapped in a island with josh hutchersonWhere stories live. Discover now