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"3....2...1," Jessica and I say in unison, through fits of giggles. Dumping our little, orange pumpkins out onto the Lee's living room floor, my eyes widen at the amount of sugary goodness before me. I had been doubtful on the amount of candy they would hold when the boys had insisted I had to use one for my first "official" Halloween. A flash from the side has me looking up to find an amused Erica standing there taking pictures of Jessica and me. Jessica looks up just as Erica snaps a second picture

"Perfect," Erica says, smiling. Handing her camera to Kota, she continues, "The hospital is short on nurses. I have to go in for a few hours. Who's all staying tonight?"

"Sang, Gabe, Luke, and Nate are going-somewhere--for a few hours, but the plan is for everyone to stay," Kota answers.

"Jessica, you may have two pieces of candy then you need to brush your teeth and get ready for bed," Erica says and then turns to the rest of us, "Be safe, behave, but most importantly, no burning the house down!

Jessica's eyes dance across the candy as she takes in our haul. Picking out two pieces, she sets them on the TV stand and hops up. Kota picks up the two pieces and examines them before placing them back on the stand. I snatch a piece but before I can unwrap it, the candy is taken from my hands.

"Hey!" I exclaim, stretching my neck back.

"Relax, Baby. I'm going to let you have it, but you should always check trick or treat candy before eating it" North says, handing me back the piece of stolen candy.

"How do you want to split up the candy, Sang?" Jessica asks, coming back with a big bowl.

"It can all stay here, we will just share," I reply.

Together Jessica and I make quick work of picking up all the candy and placing it in the bowl.

"Jessica, why don't you get your candy eaten and go get your teeth brushed. You have school tomorrow," Kota says.

"Mr. Griffin, you, Miss Sorenson, Mr. Coleman, and Mr. Taylor should get going on your way," Mr. Blackbourne says, checking the time on his watch.

"Where are we going anyway?" I ask with a pout. I had been trying to get it out of various members of my family for a week now, but no one would break their silence.

"Nu-uh, Trouble, stick that lip back in," Meanie says with a pointed finger.

"C'mon, Sugar. You'll have fun. Promise," Luke says, tugging my hand.

"Hold up, don't run off with my Pookie just yet," Dr. Sean says, taking my other arm and giving it a light tug.

Luke lets go, giving Dr. Green the win in the Sang tug-of-war, and wraps his arms around me in quick hug, before releasing me to a new set of arms. Taking a deep breath, I smile into Mr. Blackburne's chest, before a new set of arms slide around me, and I catch a whiff of a light musk smell. A new set of arms wrap around me, and I'm lifted off the ground as the scent of the ocean tickles my nose. Feet still dangling from the ground, the next set of arms goes around me, pulling me close. Taking a deep breath, I get a small hint of berries and moss. Setting me down gently, Victor twirls me to Kota, who wraps his arms around me for a tight hug, before releasing me with a kiss to the top of my head.

A chorus of "have fun" is heard as Nathan brings up the rear, shutting the door behind him.
"We're lost," I state.

"We're not lost, Peanut," Nathan says, starting forward.

"We are lost," I repeat, pausing a moment. Pointing, I continue, "There is nothing here but that abandoned house."

"Trust us, Trouble," Gabe says. Taking my hand into his, he gives a slight tug, moving us towards the house.

Spider webs glitter across the front porch, blowing in the breeze while two rocking chairs creak as they lightly thump against the rotting wood. Squeezing my hands tightly, we make our way up the rickety stairs, each step creaking with our weight.

"We can't go in there. That's police tape," I whisper pointing.

"It's fine, Sugar. Promise," Luke says, giving the door knob a quick turn.

Horrific screams erupt from the house as the door creaks open slowly. Tightening my grip on Gabe's hand, I drag him along with me as I move past a dumbfounded Nathan and Luke. The door bangs against the wall as I rush inside to find where the screams came from. Blood splatters cover the paint chipped walls and bloody scratches cover the little that I could see of the warping hardwood floor. A shiver of pure fear racks through my body, pausing me momentarily. Hearing agonizing moans and grunts, I slowly begin to move towards the sound. Taking a cautious step forward, I pause once more when the floor begins to move underneath me. When nothing happens, I take another stumbling step forward. I look back to the three boys directly behind me.

"We should go back. This isn't safe. The floor is moving, or sinking, or I don't know. If we're here to help someone we should get more help first!" I exclaim.

"It's okay, Peanut. We don't need more help. Just go a little further," Nathan says.

Gabe squeezes my hand gently, reminding that he was right there with me and prompts me to get moving again. Taking a deep, steadying breath, I take a stumbling step, followed by another. We emerge from the long narrow foyer, into a giant open room with a curved staircase hugging each side of the wall. I could imagine the beauty that the grand house once held. A woman's blood-curdling scream reminds me why we are here. I stand against the wide banister as moans, grunts, and groans are heard nearby. The woman screams again, and I begin to rush up the stairs, but stop when several men and women start stumbling into the giant room from the far left corner.

"Hello?" I ask softly. They look like they have already gone through the ringer once or twice, and the last thing I wanted to do was scare them.

Grunts and moans meet my greeting. "Uh Peanut, maybe we should go upstairs," Nathan says.

Wrestling sounds can be heard from the floor above and more screams join the woman's. My heart thumps against my ribs wildly. Wiping my sweaty palms against my jeans, I raise it in a little wave as a man gets closer. Opening my mouth to begin speaking, I stop when I see the man's face clearly. Flesh hung down from his cheek, blood flowing down, soaking his tattered shirt. His eyes are glossed over and his skin reminds me of rotting flesh. Suddenly, the man lunges towards me. I fall to the stairs below me with a loud scream, taking Gabe down with me. Covering my ears as the sounds in the house get louder and more frequent, I curl up into a ball putting my head between my legs and let the tears fall down my face. This couldn't possibly be real. Arms go around me, before Gabe starts to hum into my ear.

"I am so sorry, Trouble. It's just a haunted house. Everything is fine," Gabe says into my ear.

Lifting my head up, I'm met with crystal blue eyes looking back at me.

"We are so very sorry. We thought you would figure it out. We should've just told you from the beginning that we wanted to bring you to a haunted house for Halloween," Nathan says, squeezing my shoulder.

"Have I taught you boys nothing?" Dr. Roberts says, emerging from behind a couple of people.

"Miss Sang, I do apologize. I thought these boys would've known better than to scare a sweet young lady, such as yourself," a slightly frightening looking Dr. Roberts says.

Understanding hits me as my fear abates. A haunted house. Smiling, I look at my boys mischievously. "I won't tell North. If I can have a big bowl of ice cream," I say as sweetly as possible.

"You can have all the sugar you want, Cupcake. As long as you NEVER tell North. We really screwed up and are very sorry," Luke says.

"Let's go back to Kota's, get my ice cream, and as long as you didn't give me nightmares, we are all in the clear," I say.

"Let's get our girl some ice cream," Gabe says.

"Now you boys are using your noggins," Dr. Roberts says with a chuckle.

"Good night and happy Halloween," I say as we make our way across the moving floor.

Candy and ice cream in the same night? My first official Halloween isn't turning out to be so bad I think with a smile.

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