Father's Day

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By TinaJones279

It's Father's Day. I'm lying in bed, North wrapped around me on one side, and Silas on the other. I'm just lying here thinking about what happened yesterday, and my uneasy feelings about today.

I was at the mall with Silas, Luke, North, and of course Gabriel. One does not go to the mall without Gabriel. It just isn't done. Silas wanted to get a gift for Charlie, so we all piled into North's Jeep and headed out.

"Hey, guys, do you think I should get something for my dad?" I ask. Luke and Gabriel both stiffen on either side of me, as we all jerk to the left. I glance up at North as he corrects his position on the road.

"Fuck, no, you shouldn't. He left you to the devices of that evil woman. She nearly killed you, and he didn't care enough to protect you." North rages from the front. Silas just turns around and looks at me. I can't discern any particular emotion he might be feeling about my question.

"What North said!" Gabriel booms from my left.

"Sorry, Cupcake, I have to agree with North on this one, even though it pains me to say it out loud," Luke says, looking regretful. He squeezes my hand, then brings it up to his mouth, placing a soft kiss to the back of it.

I slump my shoulders in defeat. I really wanted to get something for him. I want to try to mend what little relationship we have. I want him to... honestly, I don't really know what I want from him. I just feel like he's my father, and tomorrow is Father's Day, and it is expected of me to get something for him.

We get to the mall and we all go in. Silas is holding my hand, his thumb tracing over the back of my hand. We walk around for a little while, popping into stores to look around. I'm not sure just what Silas is looking for, but I don't mind just wandering around.

After a little while, it seems as if we finally stumbled into the right store. It's just Silas and me, the others having taken off in search of something for Uncle. While Sean and Victor's fathers are in their lives, Silas is the only one of the boys who has a close relationship with his.

"How come you didn't say anything in the car when I asked my question?" I ask him, tipping my head back to look into his dark eyes. There's a softness there when he looks back.

"Because I don't share their opinion. I think if you really want to get something for your father, then that's exactly what you should do. They aren't with us right now, so let's get something for him, and I'll take you tomorrow to give it to him." I jump up and wrap my arms around his neck, squeezing for all I'm worth. He wraps his arms around me and squeezes back. I drop to the ground, and wrap one arm around his waist, side hugging him.

"Thank you, Superman. Thank you for understanding."

He buys his gift for Charlie, and we wander around a little more. We are walking past a jewelry shop, when a watch catches my eye. I pull on Silas's hand and nod my head in that direction. We enter the store and I ask the associate to see the watch. She pulls it out from the display window and hands it to me. It has a gold face, a black leather band, and tiny diamonds at the quarter hour marks. I think it's perfect. I ask her how much it its. She tells me the price.

My shoulders slump. While I have substantially more than that, I didn't bring that much with me. Silas's hand lands on my shoulder.

"How much did you bring?"

"About half."

"I'll cover the other half for you. No favors, no paying me back." I nod my head and thank him. This is just the way it is with us. If one of us need something, the others provide it. There isn't any paying each other back in our family.

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