Valentine's Day

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By Ladybugtastic

Sitting up, it took a moment for me to realize why Kota was no longer in bed. Vaguely, I remembered waking up not long after midnight as he dropped a kiss to my lips and said he'd be back in a little while.

Behind me, Silas' soft snores were briefly interrupted as he rolled over. When I was certain he was fully asleep again, I rolled out of the bed, coming to my feet.

After taking a quick bath, I pulled on a pair of black skinny jeans and a soft, green t-shirt. The scientific equation on the front told me it was Kota's. A clip to hold my hair up, and I was ready to head down.

Barefoot, I headed downstairs. The scent of bacon hung in the air, and when I opened the door at the bottom of the stairs, I could make out the sizzling from the kitchen.

Stopping just outside, I was able to hear Luke on the phone with North. It brought a smile to my face as North gruffly spoke about protein and fresh fruit.

"I've got it, North. Not even you can object to this breakfast, though the pancakes do have chocolate in them."

Someone else snorted, obviously trying to hide their amusement. Before I could round the corner to see who it was, arms wrapped around me from behind.

An ocean breeze invaded my nose as he spoke. "Good morning, Aggele Mou."

My heart raced as I relaxed into his embrace. "Good morning," I whispered back.

Tilting my chin up with his finger, Silas claimed my mouth. I couldn't help the giggle that bubbled up in my throat at the awkward position, but I fought to keep it in. I could taste the minty freshness on his breath as he gently prodded my lips with his tongue. A soft groan of pleasure sounded from the back of his throat and he pulled away, a satisfied smile appearing on his full lips.

Smiling back, I turned toward the kitchen, taking a step inside. It took a moment for my eyes to focus on Gabriel. He sat on one of the counters holding Luke's phone as North continued to lecture them on proper nutrition, his neon orange t-shirt matching his shoes. Luke stood at the oven, stepping from the bacon to the small pancakes to flip them. A huge pile of the pancakes already sat on a plate on the table, along with butter and syrup. Two large dishes sat next to that, covered to keep the food hot.

Face lighting up, Gabriel hopped from the counter. "Morning, Trouble! Luke, say hi so I can steal her."

Chuckling, Luke turned from the stove. "Good morning, Sang."

An amused giggle escaped when I saw the apron he wore over his baby-blue button up shirt and jeans. Kiss the cook was written in big, bold lettering, with a pair of lips next to it.

Feeling bold, I padded across the kitchen, holding on to his shoulders to keep my balance as I stood on my toes to give him a peck on the corner of his mouth. He wrapped his arms around me as I backed up a small step to look at him. "Morning, Luke."

With a whistle, Gabriel moved closer, swatting my butt. "C'mon, Trouble. I have something for you!"

Eyes widening, I stole one last glance at Luke as I followed Gabriel from the room, curiosity piqued. "For me?"

Once we were away from the others, he turned to me with a grin, pulling something from his pocket.

A little black velvet box sat on his palm as he held it out to me uncertainly. "I hope you like it."

Taking it gently, I opened it. On a delicate chain was a gorgeous silver rose that was about two inches tall. It looked so life-like I couldn't stop myself from reaching out to touch it. "I love it." Swallowing hard, I forced myself not to tear up. I didn't want the boys to think I was upset.

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