St. Patrick's Day

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By savinggoddess

"WAKE UP!" Is heard bright and early, along with the slam of a door hitting the wall. I sit up quickly, eyes still blurry as I look around the room. What's going on? Is it Volto? Is the Academy calling again? Did Luke prank North and he decided to finally kill him?


"I TOLD YOU FUCKERS NOT TO WAKE HER UP!" North yells from the bottom of the stairs.

"Wha-what is it?"

"It's Saint Patrick's Day!" Luke answers happily. My eyes finally focus, and my brain comprehends what he just said.

"Isn't-isn't that a drinking day?"

"Fuck yeah it is! But also no."

"Then-then why am I awake?"

"Because Trouble, we are going to be Irish for a day!"

"Irish for a day?" I question, and rub the crust out of my eyes.

"Yes, St. Patrick's Day is the day anyone can be Irish." Luke says as he digs into the bowl in his hand. Mouth full he continues, "And we are starting with an Irish breakfast!"

"Dude, gross." Gabe says wincing as Luke shows his freshly chewed, but not swallowed food. I giggle at the two, and Gabe smirks. "Don't encourage him Trouble."

"What do you mean an Irish breakfast?" I question, trying to change the topic.

"Brown bread, Irish bacon, sausage, black and white pudding, poached eggs," Luke lists, but is shortly interrupted by someone standing in the doorway.

"And fucking veggies Luke. Don't forget there are tomatoes, fried potatoes, and mushrooms." North claims with a smirk while leaning against the door jam.

Luke scrunches up his nose at the mention of the vegetables, but quickly smiles and adds, "And Lucky Charms," while lifting up his bowl proudly. North rolls his eyes and Gabriel shakes his head.

"Lucky Charms aren't fucking Irish Luke." Gabe says with a smirk, and I smile.

"But they have a leprechaun mascot and four leaf clover marshmallows!"

"I've had this argument with him for years. It won't stop at any point, you know it Gabe." Gabriel smirks and shakes his head, but claps his hand together.

"So, you're going to come downstairs and enjoy breakfast, then we are going to dress you in your best green clothes!"

"I thought you said green wasn't my color?" I questioned, remembering our first shopping trip. True to his thought process, she owned nothing green, unless she stole one of Kota's hoodies.

"Green is everyone's color today." He says with a smile, "Unless you want to get pinched."

"Pinched?" I questioned.

"If you don't wear green, you get pinched. It's a rule." North explained easily with a shrug.

"It is?"

"For today, now come on. Irish breakfast we go!" I roll out of bed and go down to the kitchen. I've been staying at the Taylor compound for the past week. Uncle set me up a room, and although he doesn't fully understand the situation I'm in, he has been a great host. The first night I stayed over a few weeks back he firmly stated that I was not going to be sleeping in Luke's room. He trusted us, but at the same time "teenage hormones and all". I blushed, and Luke did as well. That, is how North's unused room in the house suddenly became mine.  Not to say that it keeps the boys out. I don't think I could sleep on my own anymore. I've tried, and it just isn't as good as sleeping curled up next to the boys. Clearing out of my thoughts I realized the boys weren't lying. A buffet of what I assumed were Irish foods lined up the counters. At the very end, two large boxes of Lucky Charms sat next to a gallon of milk. "Who's all this for?"

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