Chapter 26

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The night and the next morning brought a cold snowfall that gave no signs of stopping. A blizzard was brewing, and soon the cats in all four Clans would hunker down and bide their time as they waited for it to end. In the meantime, Tigerclaw had assigned a great many patrols to capitalize on the good hunting weather in advance.

When his vigil ended, Ravenwing took a good long nap in his new nest in the warriors' den, and just as he left the den later on in the day, Bluestar emerged from her own den with a stretch. She caught his eye and flicked her tail. She wanted to speak with him.

Sitting down in front of her, Ravenwing nodded respectfully. "Yes, Bluestar?"

"Ravenwing, I think the time for the precautionary measures we have taken for the last few moons has come to an end. You can leave the camp without having other warriors with you."

"Alone?" His mew was shrill.

"The worst of the danger has passed," Bluestar reassured him. "Darkstripe is no longer a threat." Bluestar shook her head, giving a sad glance at Darkstripe, who was staring blankly under the fallen oak. "And aside from that, you are a warrior now; you've proven that you are capable of defending yourself in battle. You can leave the camp alone from now on."

Ravenwing stared at her in confusion for a long moment before he realized he should say something. "Thank you, Bluestar." Dipping his head, Ravenwing backed away, and as Bluestar returned to her den he felt a twinge of nerves. He had rarely been in the forest alone.

I should be starting my warrior duties, shouldn't I? Ravenwing nervously turned back to look at the warriors' den, reflecting on the strangeness of not having his day controlled by other cats. What should he do? Hunt? Patrol a border? He wished Sandstorm had woken up so they could do something together, but the pale ginger she-cat was visible near the outside of the warriors' den, her chest rising and falling peacefully. She wouldn't thank him for disturbing her sleep.

He decided to visit the medicine den before he did anything. Perhaps Yellowfang or Cinderpaw would have ideas.

When he reached the den and ducked under the overhang, Yellowfang wasn't there. He raised his tail in greeting. "Hi, Cinderpaw."

"Hi." Cinderpaw was staring at her paws, and Ravenwing wondered if he had made a mistake coming here. It was his fault she was here in the medicine den, not with the rest of the apprentices, and he had just been made a warrior. She was probably upset with him.

"So..." Ravenwing fished around for a topic of conversation unrelated to him being a newly named warrior. "How is Darkstripe?"

"He's still pretty out of it." Cinderpaw turned her head. "Yellowfang gave him poppy seeds."

"And how... how are you?" Ravenwing meowed. "How's... everything?"

Ravenwing regretted asking that instantly; Cinderpaw had gone silent. But then she turned her head upward. "I'm alright. Yellowfang's having me sort herbs today. Did you know there's an herb specifically for toothaches..." She kept on, her tail flicking as she talked.

A weight hung between them- or that was what it felt like to Ravenwing- and he wondered if there was anything he could do to get rid of it. Cinderpaw had once looked up to him, been his friend even, but now he wasn't sure. The younger cat might have resented him ever since she'd been maimed. I haven't even thanked her for saving my life, Ravenwing realized with a jolt. He tried to find the words, but nothing came out. She must hate me.

Cinderpaw's eyes suddenly gained a tiny glimmer of their normal mischievous gleam. "Do you want to help?"

Ravenwing was jerked out of his pondering. "Wha-?"

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