Chapter 24

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"The greatest threat seems to be from RiverClan and ShadowClan," Bluestar meowed from the top of the Highrock. "We must be prepared for the possibility that these two Clans have united against us."

Still tense from the Gathering, Ravenpaw missed a question from Yellowfang. Now Tigerclaw was mewing, his voice sending shivers down Ravenpaw's spine. "They didn't deny it."

Ravenpaw didn't have time to figure out who Tigerclaw was talking about before Bluestar spoke again. "Whatever the truth, we must be on full alert. From tonight, each patrol will have four cats, at least three of them warriors. The patrols will be more frequent, two each night, and one during the day, as well as the dawn and dusk patrols..." Ravenpaw shivered as she went on. He didn't hear most of what she said, only noting that she didn't mention Darkstripe. What if the 'rogues' ShadowClan claimed they had scented were Darkstripe? It was certainly possible, Ravenpaw thought. Darkstripe's ThunderClan scent had very likely left him at this point; without the constant proximity to Clanmates, he should smell like a Clanless rogue.

Yowls rose into the sky. Startled out of his musings, Ravenpaw nearly leaped into the air. "The first patrol will leave before dawn." Bluestar flicked her tail to dismiss the meeting, and jumped down from the Highrock. As the meeting broke up and cats huddled together in small groups, Tigerclaw loped up to Ravenpaw, his eyes narrowed.

"What do you think you're doing?" Tigerclaw lashed his tail. Ravenpaw jumped to his paws; he had sat down to give his flank a quick wash. "You've been in training for seasons now, and you're no closer to becoming a warrior than when you started. And you think you can rest the day away?" Tigerclaw snorted dismissively.

"No, Tigerclaw." Ravenpaw nearly bristled at the unfairness. It was still dark out for StarClan's sake!

"You will join Willowpelt, Runningwind, and myself on the dawn patrol," the dark tabby continued. "See that you're on time."

"Yes, Tigerclaw." Ravenpaw watched as his mentor stalked back to the warriors' den, pausing to share words with Whitestorm. Blood roared through his ears; Ravenpaw didn't understand why a pang of anger clutched his chest.


The patrol was mostly uneventful, aside from the jibes Tigerclaw directed Ravenpaw's way, and with other cats around, Tigerclaw's barbed tongue wasn't as bad as Ravenpaw had anticipated. They had covered most of the RiverClan border by now; Fourtrees was in sight. The clouds had cleared; weak sunlight dappled the Gathering clearing now.

Tigerclaw raised his muzzle, sniffing the air. "Ravenpaw," he growled. "What do you scent?"

Ravenpaw breathed in, very aware that he was being tested. Was Tigerclaw trying to make him look bad in front of the other warriors? As Tigerclaw, Willowpelt, and Runningwind stared, Ravenpaw exhaled and took another breath just to make sure he didn't miss anything. "A rabbit passed by here this morning. It's probably gone by now. Besides that, nothing out of the ordinary. No RiverClan scent beyond the border markers."

Tigerclaw scowled. Ravenpaw wondered if Tigerclaw was going to find something wrong with what he said before the dark tabby abruptly spun around. "Come." Relief washed through Ravenpaw's pelt. All that was left was to report their findings to the next patrol.

"At least RiverClan doesn't seem to be pushing their luck," Runningwind meowed as they began to make their way back.

"For now," Tigerclaw mewed darkly. Legs aching, Ravenpaw bounded after him, grateful that they were finally heading home. It was going to take time before his stamina was back to normal.

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