Chapter 16

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The way back out of the cave took much less time than the way in- or at least that was what Ravenpaw thought. He supposed he could be wrong; in his journey to the Moonstone panic had seemed to warp his perception of time.

Reaching the end of the tunnel, Ravenpaw nosed his way into the open air. The terrifying vision hadn't reassured him, but somehow his mind was clearer. StarClan hadn't abandoned him.

Now storm clouds were gathering on the horizon. Ravenpaw hurried down Highstones, cutting his paws on the sharp edged stones in his haste. He wasn't sure where he wanted to go, but he knew he had to get away from Mothermouth first.

Breathing heavily, Ravenpaw realized he should stop and hunt. He hadn't eaten since he'd left the ThunderClan camp and was beginning to feel weak on his paws. Crouching in a patch of grass, he tasted the air. Picking up the scent of rabbit, he hurried toward it, but the breeze shifted. The wind continued to change directions, often just as he was sure he had found a piece of prey. He was just about to give up when he finally managed to snag a shrew. He ate the stringy meat in two gulps.

Soon he had reached the Twolegplace again. The sun had risen, just barely visible behind the thickening black clouds, and when he crossed the Thunderpath the stone had retained its chill from the night. He warily crept past the various Twoleg nests, ducking under hedges and oddly placed stones, and slipping through fences.

Finally he had almost reached the end of the maze of nests. He was passing by a bright white fence when it crossed his mind that he'd been here before. He gave it a wary glance, recognizing it as a nest he had passed the first time he'd journeyed to Highstones with Bluestar. His wariness turned to alarm as he realized that part of it had swung open. Then a sharp barking sound hit his ears.

He whipped around in terror. Great brown creatures were sprinting in his direction.

Dogs! Ravenpaw bounded up the side of the fence in a single leap, the fur on his shoulders spiking in terror. They were huge!

The dogs scrabbled at the fence with their blunt claws, shaking it back and forth. Ravenpaw struggled to hold on, his claws fraying. The dogs teeth snapped at his tail. If he lost his grip he would fall straight into their jaws.

Suddenly a sharp yowl cut through the snarling of the dogs. Startled, they turned to face the source of the noise. When Ravenpaw saw the black and white tom, he felt a jolt of surprise. It was Barley, the loner he had spoken to just once before.

Barley was now arching his back, hissing a challenge at the dogs. The vicious creatures' attention was now fully on the loner. They stood still for a moment, and with a sudden bark they charged at Barley, their tongues lolling as they raced away.

Ravenpaw hauled himself onto the top of the fence. Shaking, he pressed himself against it as thunder rumbled overhead, and rain began spatter the ground.

He didn't know how long he had stayed there when a shocked mew sounded from behind him over the dogs' barking in the distance. "Ravenpaw?" Barley leaped up beside him. "What are you doing here?"

"I . . ." Ravenpaw shivered as a cold drop of rain hit his nose. "I don't know."

Barley studied him closely for a moment. "Bluestar didn't send you out here all by yourself, did she?"

Ravenpaw was deciding whether to reply when a renewed round of barking rose into the cold air.

Barley's ears twitched; clearly he had heard them as well. "Why don't you come with me to the barn for now? Those dogs are still on the loose."

Nodding absently, Ravenpaw allowed Barley to lead him along a dusty path between the Twoleg nests. They ended up at a large tall nest. Although Ravenpaw wasn't familiar with Twolegs, he could tell that this was different from the other nests. That must be his barn.

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