Chapter 6

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This day will bring an unnecessary death. The warning pounded in Ravenpaw's ears.

He didn't want to hunt today. He didn't want to leave the camp today. Even though Bluestar had reasoned that every Clan could see the sign, and Yellowfang had agreed with her, Ravenpaw was still nervous. What if the sign was meant for ThunderClan? With his luck he'd be the cat who died.

He was considering faking a bellyache when Whitestorm padded up. "Ravenpaw, will you be joining our hunting patrol?" Sandpaw and Tigerclaw were following him.

Snorting, Tigerclaw gave a single shake of his broad head. "His punishment isn't over."

"He can't be the sole caretaker of the elders if he can't hunt," Whitestorm pointed out.

Tigerclaw seemed to contemplate Whitestorm's words for a moment. "Fine," he growled. "He can go. But if he steps one paw out of line, he'll regret it." He turned and beckoned Ravenpaw with a stiff jerk of his head. "Come on."

As Ravenpaw left he could hear the high pitched mewing of Frostfur's kits, and at the sight of Cinderkit and Brackenkit playing with a piece of moss, a strange wistful feeling washed over him. The kits were perfectly happy as they tumbled about. It made Ravenpaw wish he could go back in time to his own kithood, when Robinwing had been alive and Dustpelt hadn't been ignoring him.

When Ravenpaw left the camp through the gorse tunnel, the forest came to life with birdsong. Sandpaw trotted up, her tail flicking. "Where will we hunt today?"

"Past the stream, by Fourtrees," came Tigerclaw's reply. He led the patrol further into the woods.

"It looks like prey will be plentiful today," Whitestorm remarked.

Tigerclaw nodded, not looking back. "Indeed."

After they crossed the stream, Whitestorm stopped the patrol in a clearing surrounded by an assortment of oak and birch trees. "Here is the plan, Ravenpaw. Tigerclaw and I will be here to start," Whitestorm began, "but you'll probably need to hunt longer than a normal hunting patrol, considering you have to feed all the elders. You will hunt alongside Sandpaw for the rest of the day if you don't catch enough before we need to leave."

Ravenpaw nodded, but Sandpaw flicked her tail irritably. "Wait, so now I'm getting punished. What if he takes until moonhigh?"

Turning to Sandpaw, Whitestorm sighed. "Then you will accompany him until moonhigh. You can practice hunting as a team with Ravenpaw as the day goes on. It will be good experience for you."

"Yes, Whitestorm." Sandpaw accepted her mentor's order without question, although her tail twitched in annoyance. Ravenpaw couldn't help feeling bad; Sandpaw hadn't done anything. He supposed he wouldn't like to be stuck kit-sitting a fellow apprentice either.

Ravenpaw suddenly realized that Tigerclaw was staring at him. "What are you waiting for?" the dark tabby meowed. "Do you think your prey will leap into your mouth if you sit still enough?"

"I'm going," Ravenpaw meowed hastily, bolting to his paws.

"Stay within a tree-length of this clearing," Whitestorm ordered. "That goes for all of us," he added to the rest of the patrol. "There won't be any use accompanying Ravenpaw if we are too far away to hear each other." Ravenpaw bristled at the implication of Whitestorm's words. He's worried I'll be attacked by Darkstripe again and will have to yowl for help.

Ravenpaw nodded. "Yes, Whitestorm." He began to walk away but a sharp meow stopped him.

"Ravenpaw, I bet I'll catch more than you." The challenge was clear in Sandpaw's mew.

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