The Mysterious Case of a Best Friend Turned Enemy

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Chapter 15

Usually when Grey thought about being kidnapped, he imaged waking up with his arms strapped to the ceiling and a bag wrapped around his head. It was ironic how he would have preferred that.

However in this instance he found himself in the dark. There were a few candles along the sides of the room and from what he could tell no windows. He must have been in some kinda basement because the room was darker than most and the faint smell of mildew floated to his nose.  He coughed absently and reached his hand up to cover his mouth and found that it was tied to the other behind his back.

“What the hell?”  He muttered. The started to adjust to his surroundings and could feel the cool, dark concrete underneath him.

“Hello?” He called, his voice coming out as nothing but a faint whisper. The basement must have some kinda mold problem, he could feel his skin crawling just thinking about it.

As blinding as the dark was, the sudden light that followed it was even more vibrant. As though on queue at least a hundred candles burst to flame around the room and burned Grey’s eyes. However they soon adjusted and his surroundings focused in front of his eyes. He gasped at the view that morphed in front of him. He was sitting in the middle of some star outlined in silver dust on the basement floor.

“I’m sorry for the arrangements,” a voice sounded from behind Grey. The voice was familiar and he tried to place it in his mind but he felt as though he had only heard it a hand full of times. “But I have to take precautions for my own safety, if you get my drift.”

He felt so stupid, like someone had just hit him in the head. “Shay?”

“Hi Grey,” She came around and smiled at him. She knelt behind him, so close that Grey could feel the cool breath on his neck. He couldn’t help but tense as she came behind him, however let out a breath when he felt his bonds loosen.

“What the hell is this Shay, have you been kidnapped too?” Grey asked.

Shay chuckled at this, though Grey failed to see what was so funny about standing in the middle of some Satan pattern.

Her face fell flat then. She really was pretty, now that she had rid herself of those awful glasses and done something with her hair. “I know your confused Grey, but remember who was with you first, and we really don’t want to hurt you.”

“What are you-”

“Why didn’t you tell me he was up?”

Grey turned as another person entered the room. As Reggie walked in timidly he recalled all the memories of what got him here. Call him a masochist, but he still felt the same felling of elation that came when seeing your best friend. He thought about all the times when Grey and Reggie had been tighter than ever, before something he hadn’t fully figured out yet happened. For some reason in particular he was remembering a time when they had been coming back for a party and Reggie had rolled down the window when he saw a group of girls outside. “Two for one sale,” he had screamed them. “It’s the best of both worlds, a gay friend and a boyfriend in one car.” Of course they had been drunk off their asses, but they had laughed harder than they ever had that night.

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