Ex's and Oh's

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Luffy climbs out of the cart and darted over to Buggy clinging onto his leg. Buggy stood shocked to see that golden straw hat once more. Luffy looks up to him with this wide eyed look.

"Buggy! Where have you been? Shanks-"

Buggy's face hardened, "Shanks? I don't want to see that red haired bastard. He's not with you is he?"

Luffy shook his head, "No."

"Good! I'd rather not to see his slut face again."

Luffy furrowed, "Don't you talk about my dad like that!"

"Well too fucking bad kid I'm going to shit on your dad all day. Now get off me before I kick you."

"No! Not until you tell me why you hate my dad!"

"You wouldn't understand brat, you know. You're just like your fuck of a father-"

"Luffy! Get back here!" Mihawk barked.

They turned to Mihawk approaching him and scooping up Luffy by his collar. Luffy was in tears as his face was beat red with anger. Mihawk glanced to Buggy who cocked a brow to this man. He put Luffy onto his hip before he started to walk off. Until Buggy bursted out laughing having them turn back to him. Mihawk and Luffy glanced to each other before back to Buggy.

"He lost him! The one thing that red haired bastard only could hold a relationship with. He lost him!" Buggy laughed.

"What about Shanks?" Mihawk cocked a brow.

Buggy finally calmed himself, "Luffy is your son eh? I've had a relationship with his previous father."

"No Shanks-"

Mihawk covered Luffy's mouth, "Go on."

"Why do you want to know?"

Luffy batted away Mihawk's hand, "He's dating my dad."

Buggy smirked, "Oh you are."

He chuckled softly turning back to the isle. He hummed softly grabbing a box of cereal off the shelf before looking at the back of the box.

"Well, It was about a year ago. Shanks walked into my life with that little pipsqueak. Oh he makes you feel like he loved you, and only you. Until," Buggy dropped the box into his basket before giving Mihawk a blank stare, "He cheats on you and leaves with his kid. Face it pal, your better off without a man who's only obsession. Is women, and that kid."

Buggy's eyes narrowed to Luffy before back to Mihawk's golden gaze. His eyes hardened as his face.

"Good luck teaching an old dog new tricks." Buggy shrugged.

He then walked off as Luffy then began to cry. Mihawk set him down kneeling down to his level.

"Shanks isn't going to leave you is he?" Luffy cried.

"Of course not." Mihawk said, "We love each other too much."

He sniffled wiping his face on his sleeve, "You promise?"

"I promise. Now, go pick out a nice treat for you buddy."

Luffy nodded as he went to pick out a treat. Mihawk stood as he sighed, realizing he can't keep that promise.

As they got home, Luffy was finally distracted with Zoro and Perona. But Mihawk's mind kept going over what buggy had said.

"I need a drink." he muttered.

Shanks grumbled rubbing his neck as he walked inside. Everyone perked up from dinner as Luffy gasped jumping out of his seat and darting over to him. Shanks grinned scooping up Luffy and embracing him. Mihawk watched as Shanks was truly happy with Luffy. Was he happy with him like that?

"Oh pops, guess what?" Luffy chirped.

"Yeah buddy?" Shanks hummed.

"We ran into Buggy at the superstore."

Shanks smile faded, "Buggy?"

Luffy nodded, "He told Mihawk about what happened between you two. Then I started to cry, and I was worried you and Mihawk was going to not be with you anymore. But Mihawk promised that you wouldn't leave him. Cause then I wouldn't have friends like Perona and Zoro."

Shanks smiled softly as he glanced to Mihawk sipping on his wine. He turned back to Luffy and embraced him.

"Nah Luffy, this one's a keeper. We're gonna be with them for a very long time." Shanks said.

Luffy smiled embracing him back, "Thanks, dad."

As night fell, Luffy had fallen asleep in Zoro's room. While Mihawk and Shanks were downstairs having a drink of his red wine. Sitting before the fire and in each other's company. Mihawk rested on Shanks shoulder swirling his wine. Shanks glanced to him before back to the fire.

"So, you ran into Buggy. And it's bugging you." Shanks said.

"I promised something to your son, that I couldn't promise." Mihawk sighed.

"What you should know you are so much different. Buggy wasn't the man for me, he was greedy and he hated Luffy. Buggy made me choose between my own son and him. So. I did. And I don't regret a single day that I did. Besides, how would I have met you if I had chosen him?"

Mihawk rumbled as Shanks leaned against his head.

"Besides you have nothing to worry about."


"After we had sex, I was still there in the morning. You have to be pretty special to wake up to this."

"You mean, you drooling on my pillow and snoring up a storm."

"Whoa, whoa, I don't snore."

"I beg to differ."

They chuckled before kissing softly. Shanks pulled back tilting up his chin.

"I'll do anything to prove that your special to me."

Mihawk chuckled, "Then get rid of Luffy."

Shanks huffed, "Okay anything but that."

"Then, how about you stay the night. Just, us." 

Mihawk rubbing his hand up Shanks thigh.

"I can do that." Shanks grinned.

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