Simple Kiss

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Mihawk frowned to his request. Shanks purred tilting his chin having him turn back to him. Shanks leaned close only to have Mihawk put his finger to his lips.

"The children are watching."

Shanks turned back to Perona and Luffy staring. He grumbled sitting back in his seat as Zoro skipped back to his seat. He wore a proud smile on his lips while he clutched tight onto the note cards. Shanks ruffled his hair before boxing up the rest of his meal. Shanks left a tip with the bill before they began to leave.

"Oh, wait a minute."

They turned to Sanji holding a piece of paper. He weaved through Mihawk and Shanks handing Zoro the piece of paper.

"I hope to hear from you soon." Sanji winked.

Zoro nodded slowly before Sanji smiled heading back into the kitchen. He opened the paper to a phone number scribbled down on the paper. His eyes went wide before he showed Mihawk.

"Dad! Dad look!"

He turned to Shanks before embracing his leg. Shanks chuckled ruffling his hair. Sanji smiled peaking out from the kitchen door, Zeff sighed crossing his arms watching his son develope a small crush. Knowing one day they both would grow up to be troublemakers.

"Stop lollygagging around, get ready for bed." Zeff huffed.

Sanji puffed his cheeks turning to Zeff, "Leave me alone."

"If you don't get ready for bed, I'm gonna have to come and get you and you and I both know you don't want that."

Sanji gasped holding his sides, "No- not the claw."

Zeff held out his hand spreading his fingers claw like, "Yes, the claw. Now get before I use it against you."

He bolted out of the kitchen and into the backroom. The chef's and Zeff chuckled as he soon followed after his son. He turned to the green haired boy being pulled off the red haired man's leg crying thank you to him. Zeff chuckled, before heading into the back room.

"Zoro let go!" Mihawk barked.

Zoro clutched onto Shanks leg, "Teach me your ways."


Shanks chuckled, "Maybe when you're older."

He grinned looking up to Shanks, "Really?"

"Yeah, when you're thirteen."

Zoro frowned, "I'm only ten."

"Alright you two, let's go home. Some people have school and work tomorrow."

They awed as Shanks took Luffy's hand and Mihawk took his children's hands. The night was cool, and the stars gleamed softly in the night. Luffy and Perona are teasing Zoro about Sanji. Imitating what happened that night. Zoro pouts still clutching onto the phone number. Shanks kept glancing to Mihawk in between the teases.

"Zoro and Sanji sitting in a tree, K I S S I N G, first comes love, then comes marriage, then comes Zoro with the baby carriage." Perona chanted.

"Shut up Perona!"

"Make me lover boy."

"Yeah! Make her lover boy."


He turned to Shanks furrowing to him, "Am I going to have to send you to uncle Roger's?"

He shook his head, "Roger gives me whisker burn, and is mean."

"Then behave."

"Gold Roger?"

Shanks turned to Mihawk cocking a brow.

"Oh yeah him and I have been friends for a while. Luffy is best friends with his son, they say they're brothers but, Ace ran away and he comes to visit us occasionally. He lives with Dadan a caretaker of Luffy sometimes. But I'm not allowed to tell anyone-"

Shanks pursed his lips as he turned to Luffy putting a finger to his lips.

"I mean, Uh. Pretend you didn't hear any of that."

Mihawk hummed, "You think she could take my kids in case I need to leave for a while."

"Oh sure, just tell her you're my friend. She shouldn't give you trouble."

They headed into the neighborhood while Luffy and the kids ran ahead. Mihawk was about to stop them when Shanks stopped him. They ran into Mihawk's front yard and played tag. Shanks walked Mihawk up to the front door as he unlocked the door and let the kids inside. Shanks knelt down to Luffy's level pulling out his keys.

"Here, go check the mail. Then meet me inside. I have to say goodnight." Shanks said.

Luffy nodded taking the keys and skipped across the road. Shanks turned to Mihawk and smiled softly.

"So, what about that kiss?" Shanks purred.

Mihawk backed up to his door, "First, what did you tell my son?"

Shanks chuckled stepping closer, he tilted up his chin with a sly smirk.

"The same thing I will do to you."

Shanks kissed him softly, Mihawk slowly melted into the kiss. Slowly wrapping his arms around his neck and Shanks arms snaked around his hips. Shanks licked and tugged at his bottom lip having Mihawk open slightly. The kiss deepened for a brief moment until Mihawk pulled away and slammed the door in Shanks face. He blinked with his mouth open before pursing his lips.

Mihawk panted on the other side of the door, he ran a hand through his hair before looking out the peep hole. Shanks was writing something on a piece of paper, or a napkin. Before he clicked his pen and slipped the note into the mail slot. Mihawk watched as Shanks sighed then headed across the street. Mihawk picked up the note and unfolded it.

"I've been thinking about what you said, I'd like to start my future with you. So. How would you like to go out with me? Text me your answer."

His number was scribbled on the bottom of the napkin, Mihawk smiled softly.

"Maybe you're not as bad as they say you are."

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