The Flicker

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I was a wildfire,

Was, until you came with your sand and wind,

I knew you would kill me,

Yet I couldn't help but try to pleas you when you needed something,

When I got close you blew your sand on my wildfire,

Killing some part of me,

Not caring if you killed all of me,

I kept trying to get close,

I kept trying to ease your pain,

Not caring that every time I get close,

You killed a little bit more of me,

Until I became a dull, 


candle light,

Although when I came close to you again,

When you blew the sand at me,

All I could do was flicker,

When I realized that I was on the verge of dying,

I burned everything I touched,

Hoping I could  make myself whole again,

Hoping I could fix myself,

But every time I tried,

You got close to me,

Keeping me a little light dull,

Only keeping me as a flicker,

A whisp to your frousios sand storms,

That's how It went on until you,


Leaving me to die,

Yet I didn't,

Instead I grew,

And grew,

And grew,

Until I was a campfire,

Still a little dull with all the sand you blew,

Yet I was alive,

I was happy,


You came back,

So we could repeat it all over again.


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