
30 1 0

My stomach twist and twist,
Awaiting his answer,
Can I handle another rejection???,
Of course I can???,
It won't be the first nor last,
It will happen again,
Than why am I so afraid???,
I don't understand,
I want to understand why,
What's wrong,
I said,
Thinking I'm the what's wrong,
Tell me what's bothering you,
I said,
Thinking I'm the one bothering you,
You can tell me anything and everything,
I said,
Knowing I mean every single letter,
Why does it always happen???,
I know why,
My brain understand's,
Yet my heart,
It aches the pain,
That others have inflicted,
But it still doesn't understand,
My brain,
My heart,
Constantly at war,
Knowledge over,
Over love,
Cold truth over,
Warm distraction,

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