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I'm a monster inside,
Controlling a body that's not mine,
I never wanted feelings or friends,
Or other people in my life,
I don't care anymore,
I've given up no one can see,
I'll just stop talking,
Stop eating I'm too fat anyways,
Stop hanging with friends and loved ones,
One day my body will finally,
Catch up to my dead mind,
No one will miss me,
No one will remember me,
That's okay,
I don't want to be missed,
Like I never wanted to be born,
I don't care what people say,
I want to forget everything,
I want everyone to just stop,
And forget me,
So I can just die,
I'm a monster in a humans body,
And I want out...

Deep PoemsNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ