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I have been thinking about suicide for a really long time.
I haven't told anyone not even my parents.
Everyone thinks I'm fine and I'm okay.
But really I'm just trying to hide it all away.
Away from my mom and my dad.
Away from my so called friends that never really cared.
The only friends I have are on the Internet.
I don't tell anyone because my family would be ashamed of me.
They wouldn't accept or look at me the same way anymore.
All of the pain and memories I hold inside I will never tell.
Because I'm afraid what others will think.
I'm afraid they will be disgusted of who I really am inside.
That's why I hold all of it in.
I hold in all the hurtful things people say to me.
Even physical pain.
I hold it all in because I don't want people to know.
People won't understand...

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