Moon on her hips

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Hello girl in my bed, hair framing like a halo

dark and still I can see your lashes in this shadow

with only the moon which is already fading.

I am smiling at something you said and 

your nose is cold breath to my neck, 

those little breaths you take the only warmth I’m getting,

until your arms come and take hold.

Hello sweetheart, in my room, dressing quietly while I sleep,

getting ready to go out and prepare for today

you’re such a bright girl, so clever and pretty.

Your hair is so thick and curly when you lean

to kiss me goodbye I always get a little stuck

between our lips. 

Hello darling knocking at my door, we’re both free

from working that daily grind with nagging and 

stuttering around the flow all around us.

Let’s retreat to our own reality and have you 

looking at me once I open the door, face tilted up

with me leaning down, to kiss those lips.

Hello love of my life, to you tracing the moons on my hips,

the changing of the tides, the phases of our lives,

the motion that rolls with my body when you stroke the shores.

I feel your cold feet, bare with the words of light on them

rubbing against my legs to keep warm and for your excitement.

You are below me smiling, looking up, as I am the moon 

coming to see my sun with her rays laid out before me in the dark.

Hello girl when I creep into my room,

the bed is warm and my cat is already beside you,

you are asleep and I was awake, writing this for you. 

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