I'll See You

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I’ll see you in dreams I said to you,

the first time we were parted.

I’ll see you in dreams I said before sleep,

when we were unknown to each other

and I only had a painting in my mind to go to.

I’ll see you in dreams I wrote you,

when you were lonely and missed me,

we both worried we would lose the other.

I’ll see you in dreams I promised you

when we grew too much aching in hearts to bear

and just thought we’d die without you.

I’ll see you in dreams I’ll tell you when you return

and we embrace under sheets of snow, your 

hair springs and clouds I gather, your lips

mine to kiss, your skin mine to touch.

I’ll see you in dreams we’ll say, when you go

to school far, far away, until I follow after.

I’ll see you in dreams I’ll swear after we’ve fought and screamed,

refused to see, or can even bear to look at each other.

Our faces red with fury until one can take it no longer and forgiveness is given.

I’ll see you in dreams I’ll whisper when you sleep and I prepare

a special gift to give you when you least expect it,

in a tiny box, a diamond ring, the exact one you love

in the place you adore, at the moment your heart skips a beat.

I’ll see you in dreams is the cheer I’ll cry when you walk

to become the hope for those downtrodden women and children,

your first step into your career to becoming a light for them.

I’ll see you in dreams I think as we kiss

and flowers fall upon us, in white and lace, families

crying, laughing, people joyous at our accomplishment. 

I’ll see you in dreams I stutter, before going off into the world

to try and make my own dreams come true, knowing

no matter what I’ll come home to your warmth.

So even if the battle fails I’ll still be strong for tomorrow.

I’ll see you in dreams I’ll say, tears in my eyes, a family,

a house, our own, to take ours on holidays and adventures

for our own path to unfold with others along.

I’ll see you in dreams I’ll say one day,

I’ll be tired and you’ll be holding my hand on a porch,

somewhere were we can see the sea and smell the trees.

The sky will be littered with stars, the moon low,

our eyes old, hair gray, hand wrinkled and entwined.

We’ll see each in dreams, as our eyes fall closed,

that hand folded tight.

I’ll see you in dreams I say now in my bed and I curl,

my cat purrs, and I see you there waiting for me. 

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