Chapter 21-Take It Back

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"Lovers don't finally meet somewhere...they are in each other all along..."

Shannon went into the back garden and he tried as much as he could to keep his tears at bay. The past year was a whirlwind of feelings and emotions that gravitated entirely around Anka. And now that this news came in as a shock he was unable to imagine a life without her. Sure, the chances of something like that happening were slim, but they were there.

It was hard enough to let go of her when he did, even harder to accept the fact that Jared was actually alive and well, but the mere idea of losing her to something as stupid as cancer made him want to tear himself apart.

"Shan...", said Anka slowly as she wrapped her arms around him.

He turned around and took her in his arms, pressing his lips avidly on hers.

"Before you say anything let me say something. Don't you even dare say anything...", said Shannon as he felt tears run down his cheeks.


"Don't...I was so stupid to have let you go when I did...I love you little one...more than it's possibly imaginable. No, I don't love you, I adore you! I know you love Jared and I know you don't need much more pressure added on your shoulders right now. But if I don't tell you how I feel then it will kill me...I want you to fight okay? I don't want you to give up to this stupid cancer. You hear me? Cause if I lose you I think I will die. I love much...", said Shannon cupping her head in his palms.

"Shan...I'm not gonna die...I promise you that. I will start chemo and I will be okay...everything will go back to normal. I know you love me...and in my own way...I love you too...but if everything happens with me I want you to promise you won't do something stupid alright? I want you to be there for me...every step of the way..."

"You don't love me like you love Jared...", said Shannon.

"I don't...but I do love a different way...", said Anka, gently wiping his tears off his cheeks.

She took him slowly by the hand and they walked back to the house.

When Jared saw them walking hand in hand, he understood that he had lost her. The years of torture and pain he had treated her to, pushed her in his brother's arms. And he could only blame himself for that. It wasn't easy for him to accept the idea that their family has changed...that everything has changed.

Anka slowly went towards Jared and rested her head on his chest as if nothing happened.

"It will all be okay...", said Anka.

"Why don't we take a couple of days to give this situation a thorough thinking and then we can take a decision?", said Ella.

"I think that's a good idea. We have to go to New York in five days...we can reach a conclusion then...",said Anka.

"We will leave you two need that...", said Tomo, giving Jared a quick pat on the back.

A couple of minutes later Anka and Jared were alone. They sat on opposite sides of the table as if they were two complete strangers.

"Do you love him?", asked Jared after a couple of moments of silence.

"I do..."

"Do you want to be with him?", continued Jared without even looking at her.

" you want to know why?", asked Anka.


"Jay...I love Shannon and I love you. My love for Shannon exists. It was there for years, latent, waiting. But the love I feel for Shannon will never compare to the love I feel for you. Ever. I will always regret not waiting for you...I will always regret not reading your letter when I did. I will always regret, not understanding what you meant to say by those words...and if this disease...was given to me as a form of punishment...I'm willing to accept it as it is.", said Anka.

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