Chapter 1-Settling Down

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"Come up to meet you...tell you I'm don't know how lovely you are...I had to find you...tell you I need you...tell you I set you apart..."

The next morning when Anka woke up she found Jared in the kitchen preparing breakfast. The twins were both in their high chairs, munching on pieces of carrots, while Jay was playing on the floor.

For a second she thought it was just a dream, but when she saw Jared's smile she knew it was actually a reality. After so much time living in doubt, this reality seemed far too sweet. There were so many things that despite being normal, seemed so foreign.

"Morning babe!," said Jared as she took a seat at the island counter.

"Morning. What are you doing?", asked Anka.

"Waffles. I thought it was the most sensible thing to do without putting anyone at risk with my cooking. Plus they were already made...I'm just warming them up...Orange juice?", laughed Jared as he set a plate of waffles in front of her.

"Thanks...but I'll have some coffee..."

"One coffee for my beautiful wife coming right up. I was thinking that...we can go out for a hike?", suggested Jared as he turned on the coffee machine.

"It sounds like a good idea, but I have to go to the studio today...I have to wrap things up regarding the album. Danny and Mark want to listen to the finished version before we release it..."

"Then why don't we go at The Lab? We can work on that and also spend time with the kids.", asked Jared as he handed her a cup of coffee.

"At The Lab? As much as I would like that I've already booked a studio in Los Angeles for the day. All that I've worked on is there anyway...there's no reason of moving stuff now, just because.", replied Anka.

"Why didn't you work here? I could've done that from the comfort of your home...our home...", said Jared correcting himself.

"Because I wanted some time off from the kids as least for a couple of hours a day...they can be a handful sometimes...and lately...this hasn't felt like much of a home...", replied Anka sadly.

"I you mind if I join you?", asked Jared.

"I don't see why not...Jared...I was thinking of something..."

"What were you thinking of?"

"Since we are going to give each other another chance...I was thinking...couple therapy would be a good idea...You know...things haven't been really nice between know..."

"Sure, whatever you want. I'm all in for it...I also have my doctor's appointment in a couple of days...if you want to come with me...", said Jared.

"That's okay...sounds good. Whatever we need to do to make it work, right?", replied Anka.

"Look, I'm so sorry I've put you through all of this mess. I know words aren't enough, but I'm sorry..."

"Dada!", they both heard Aiden say.

"Did he just say dad? Or was I just hearing things?", asked Jared.

"It's the first time he ever said it.", said Anka surprised.

Jared took his son in his arms and he cooed at him, making the little boy giggle. He took his phone from the kitchen counter and snapped a photo of him and his son.

"What? I've missed a lot of stuff...I wanna be there...documenting everything...", said Jared blushing as Anka looked at him with a weird smile.

It was the first time she smiled because she felt it. Not that anyone could've blamed her.

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