Chapter 19-First Steps

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"Oh I'm in pieces it's tearing me up but I know...a heart that's been broke it's a heart that's been loved..."

Shannon walked into the house, followed by Anka and placed the groceries on the kitchen island. As soon as they heard the main door, the kids ran off to greet them.

"Shanaaaaa!", screamed Jo with delight, as Shannon picked her up and kissed her.

"Hey ladybug!", smiled Shannon as the girl struggled to get out of his arms.

"Shannaaaa itchy...Shannaaa like old man!", giggled the girl as Shannon lifted her up in the air.

"She's nearly three and she can tell I'm old. Kids these days...", joked Shannon.

"Don't worry you're still her favourite. Always and forever.", said Anka.

He leaned afterwards to pick up Aidan and he ran off with both the twins to the living room area. When he saw Jared he nearly dropped the kids from his arms.

Jared was sitting at the piano, teaching little Jay a song when Shannon came inside the room.

"And this is how you play it. Got that?", asked Jared as he ruffled his son's hair.

"Yes daddy!", replied the boy seriously.

Jared told the kids to go and help Anka in the kitchen and then he went towards his brother.

"Don't you faint on me Shan. I don't think I'm strong enough to catch you. I may drop you on the floor. And you might end up with a dislocated hip.", joked Jared as he hugged his older brother.

Shannon stood in shock unable to move. The second he felt Jared hugging him, tears sprung from his eyes.

"Is this really you?", asked Shannon as he held his brother at arm's length.

"Who do you think it is? It's me Shannon. Of course it's me...", replied Jared as he hugged his brother once more.

"But...but...dude you were dead...ok...I'm really starting to consider the whole Jesus part now...", tried Shannon to joke as he wiped his tears.

"If only it was that simple.", said Jared.

"I saw you dead Jay. Me and Anka...she held your hand..."

"You saw my wax figure. You only saw what I wanted you guys to see...I owe the curator from Madam Tussauds a huge favour for getting it done so quickly...", replied Jared, while he started to tell Shannon about what he did.

Shannon couldn't believe his eyes. He couldn't believe what he was hearing. He knew Jared was extremely smart, but go through all this, it was either the most insane thing he ever heard or the best thing he ever heard.

"You know you could've simply announced that you were quitting. Everyone would've understood...", said Shannon as Jared finished the story.

"Yeah, but I would've still been assaulted by people. You know...everyone would've wanted to know my every move...", pointed Jared out.

"They would've got tired of asking and looking eventually..."

"With the expense of what? My children's privacy? They had a normal life while you guys were touring around the world. You took the best decision with them."

"I just can't even imagine that you're here. I'm still getting used to that Jay...I'm sorry...but it's too much to take in right now...", said Shannon softly.

"I takes a while to adjust...I mean...I'm still adjusting to the whole damn thing myself...if only mum hadn't died...then...we would've all been really happy..."

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