Chapter 10- Kickstart

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"About as subtle as an earthquake I know, my mistakes were made for you..."

April 20th

LetoFromLA Tumblr board:

LetoFromLA: sooooo did everyone see the news? Anka Leto wants to continue Mars. What a big fat joke. No offense to all the Anka fans around here, loooove her songs, but continue with Mars and Camp like nothing ever happened? Seriously? This woman is sick in the head to want to make money after Jared's death on his band and his hard work. And Shannon Leto is even crazier to agree to the idea.

Fizzypink: I think it's a great idea. You haven't seen the VyRT video chat then. She said she wanted to release the album and everything under the same name and label as Jared signed up for. Because she wants to keep on the legacy. I think it's sweet, honoring her husband like that. Plus I think she knows that only Shannon and Tomo wouldn't have done much of job with it. She's throwing her career under the bus practically for Jared and Shannon's dream.

LetoFromLA: I like her as a solo artist. She is outstanding. And she has the awards to prove it. Plus she presented the Oscars. Gotta count for something right? But I think it's a bad move. A lot of fans will only see Jared, Shannon and Tomo, that's Mars to them. And that's Mars to me. I think she wants to get some more money after Jared's death. Plus she doesn't spend time with the kids. Where are the kids anyway?

JaredPrincess: I think you are being rude. Anka hasn't given any interviews nor made any comments. She doesn't even go out. I dunno if you live in Los Angeles as you claim, but have you seen that she doesn't even move on with her life? She needs closure too. They all do. That's why they're doing this. Anka is an amazing artist and she has enough money to support everyone and live a decent, comfy life without having to go on a world tour that will stop her from spending time with her family.

TheDoctor: I know Anka, I've met Anka long before she was famous. She is a true selfless person. It was never the money for her. She does charity work, she helps people. And if there's someone here that wants to question her integrity as a wife and mother I'm here to clear up that shit. You don't know what it's like to lose the love of your life! You don't know how it feels to have to send your kids away just because they need a normal life. Away from photographers and crazed bitches like you. You just see the good part of fame. And not the bad parts. So seriously shut the fuck up and give the woman the respect she deserves!


Anka was looking through social media accounts and she knew she would have to face a lot of backlash. Mirka was sitting opposite from her, showing her various articles. The one blogger she hated the most was the girl going under the name LetoFromLA. She knew she had caused Jared some troubles before and now, apparently she wanted to cause her trouble as well.

That girl was vile, rude and never got the facts right. Just like she didn't get the facts right when she attended Camp Mars. But she hid behind the fact that she was a great supporter of the band. The only thing she was good at was stalking and spreading lies.

"So what do you want to do about it? A lot of publications have taken some of her statements out of context and they're blowing them out of proportions. You have to make a statement at some point, make your entrance in the public life again.", said Mirka.

"Can I not do that? Everything is still too raw. I can't cope with it now. I just can't. And why do people want that anyway?", said Anka, leaning her head on her hands.

"Because you've announced that Jared's legacy will be continued, you've announced that things will happen. The band isn't getting as much coverage as they need and you know it. Ellen DeGeneres wants an interview Oprah wants an interview, Jimmy Fallon wants an interview and they will get all the facts right. You know it. You need coverage for the band. With the tickets on pre-sale next week you need that. Or else their attention will be shifted towards another celebrity and the only people that will talk about the band will be bloggers that have nothing better to do with their lives.", said Mirka.

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