~Life-Changing Event~

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*A/N: Based on a true event in my life that happened in 2016*

You was sitting with your uncle, who was watching television while sitting in a wheelchair. It has been a rough couple of days so far for you and your family. Your only uncle had gotten sick with bacterial meningitis, which is a dangerous brain infection. It left him on a ventilator for over a month. Your family didn't know if he would even make it. But by the grace of God, he pulled through. But he would never be the same again.

"Uncle Michael... you ready to eat," you called out to him, trying to catch his attention.

Your mother was at work and your grandparents were in the other room. Your grandparents have health issues of their own so you not only help take care of them, but your uncle now too. Your loving girlfriend Beyonce, didn't know the extent of what was going on at home. But she was supportive emotionally which you are grateful for. But you were nervous to tell her exactly what was going on because you didn't want to scare her away.

"I want peanut butter and jelly," he said.

Nodding, you got up and made his sandwich. Once you were done, you placed the sandwich in front of your uncle and sat down in front of him.

"Eat up," you said, smiling.

He stared at the sandwich for a moment then grabbed the stack of paper plates that were next to him.

"I want peanut butter and jelly," he started to repeat.

You frowned a little as his head started turning to the left and his eyes started gazing over.

"Grandma... Granddad... something's wrong with Michael," you called out, getting scared.

Your grandfather rushed in and your grandma came into the kitchen with her wheelchair. 

"Michael.... Michael.... come on now don't do this," your grandfather said to your uncle. 

You helped your granddad get your uncle to the living room, but when you all reached the dining room, he started having a bad seizure. Your grandmother wanted to help, but in her condition, she wasn't able to. Your grandfather dialed 911 as you leaned your uncle onto his side, his head in your lap. White foam started to come out of his mouth and you couldn't help but shed tears. This is the first time you ever witnessed something like this.

And it traumatized you.

The ambulance arrived a short time later and they placed your uncle on a stretcher loading him into the ambulance. Your grandfather walked to you with a frown on his face.

"You need me to go with him to the hospital," you asked, volunteering.

He looks at you, unsure if he should. But he agreed. So you got into the back of the ambulance with your uncle as they drove to the hospital. While on the way to the hospital, your uncle had more seizures. Back to back to back. You held his hand since it was the only thing that you could do at this point. Once you held his hand, he squeezed it weakly. 

Arriving to the hospital, they rush him into a room and immediately start working on him. Once you get to the front desk, you talk to the nurse and explain what happened along with giving them his information. Once you were finished, you pulled out your phone and called your grandparents. 

"Hey granddad.... yeah I just got here, they took him to a room and they're working on him now... did he say anything in the ambulance? no the seizures kept going back to back... okay just let me know when you get here... okay, your welcome... bye," you hang up and sigh, sitting in a chair right outside his room.

Your phone started ringing again and you groaned answering it, "Yes?"

"Hey baby," the familiar voice greeted you, which made you smile a little bit.

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