~Me and My.... Girlfriend?~

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You and Beyonce have known each other for a very long time. 12 years to be exact and you two have grown closer day by day. But as you two got older, you started growing feelings for her. Not just friendly feelings. More than friends... that type of feeling. When you first developed those feelings, you weren't sure what to think. Your parents don't condone same sex relationships so telling them is out of the question. No one knows that you're a lesbian. And you wanted it to stay that way, but you knew it wouldn't. The more you were around Beyonce, the more you felt those feelings.

You had to tell her sooner or later, before it was too late...

So one day when Beyonce invited you over to spend the weekend over her house, you decided that would be the time to explain to her how you felt about her. On the way to her house, you were thinking in your mind about how you were going to ask. Once you pulled up in her driveway, you became more nervous than before. In your mind, once you explained things to her... you knew this would make or break your friendship with her.

You knocked on the door and waited for her to answer. A minute later, the door opened and there she stood. Slaying as always.

"Hey Y/N," she said, with a big smile.

She grabbed your bag and took it to her room. You walked in and closed the door, heading towards the living room. 

Once you got there, you sat down and waited for her. You've been over her house a lot. You been over her house so much that you could more than likely describe her house in detail from top to bottom. With your eyes closed. You heard soft footsteps coming towards you so you looked over and saw Beyonce walking towards you and sitting down next to you.

"How are you," you asked, trying to break some of the tension. 

She nods smiling that gorgeous smile of yours, "I'm good. What about you?"

You couldn't help but stare at her, slowly zoning out. Taking in her gorgeous, godlike features.

"Y/N, are you okay?"

You shook those thoughts out of your head and nodded, "Yeah I'm fine. I'm doing okay. What are the plans for this weekend?"

Beyonce smirked a little and grabbed that familiar box, which caused you to groan. She chuckled and sat it on the table in front of you. It wasn't any ordinary box. It was Connect 4. And you hated it. You hated playing Connect 4, especially against her. Only because every time you would play against her, you always lose. She always win.

"Again... we all know you're going to win," you told her.

She just smirked and set up the game, "Just play, silly..."

You two spent the next 30 minutes playing a few games of checkers. And like you said, she always win. And she did. Every single time.

"I quit," you pouted and crossed your arms against your chest.

Beyonce looked over and smiled a little, scooting closer towards you. She placed her soft hand on your shoulder and rubbed it. A jolt of electricity came through, shocking the both of you. You two just stared at each other for a moment. Then you abruptly stood up.

"Ummm... I-I'll be b-back," you said.

You rushed to the bathroom, closing and locking the door behind you. Once you were alone in the bathroom you took some deep breaths and looked at yourself in the mirror.

"What just happened?"

While you were trying to calm yourself down in the bathroom, Beyonce was doing the same thing in the living room. She wasn't quite sure what just happened. But to her, it felt right. She was just hoping it wasn't a bad thing. Picking up the phone, she decided to order pizza. Once she ordered the pizza, it was time to wait. As she waited, she decided to come upstairs and check on you. She tried opening the door, but it was still locked.

"Y/N," she called out.  

You didn't answer.

"Y/N... you alright in there," she called out again, knocking on the door.

"Ummm... yeah, I'm okay..."

You shuffled in the bathroom for a moment, then opened the door. She stood there and looked at you. Raising that one eyebrow, she stared at you and looked you up and down. You stood there nervous, not sure why she was doing that.

"You don't look too good, come... I'll take you to the bedroom so you can lay down..."

She walked you to her room and you laid down on the bed. 

"I ordered some pizza for us. We can sit in here and eat while watching some movies... how does that sound?"

I smile and gave her a thumbs up, which made her giggle. Ah, that giggle of hers. You loved the sound of it and couldn't get enough of it. You went into deep thought with a goofy smile on your face. Beyonce raised an eyebrow at you then shook her head, walking out the room. She got the pizza and paid the guy, closing the front door. Walking upstairs, she walked back into the room and saw you had dozed off.

"Damn she falls asleep quick," she said to herself.

She set the pizza on the table and sat down next to you, watching you sleep. She gently rubbed your soft skin. You felt her doing so and it made you smile in your sleep. Beyonce smiled and leaned over to kiss your cheek. Unaware of her doing so, you moved and she ended up kissing your lips. Your eyes opened and widened at what just happened. She realized what just happened too and she backed up, staring at you. You stared back at her too, just as shocked as she was. 

"Wow," you both said at the same time.

"Pizza's here," she said, blushing.

You chuckled and grabbed two slices, eating it. She started eating too and turned on the television. You two sat in silence, while eating and watching TV. Beyonce's mind drifted off to the kiss. She actually enjoyed it. Setting her food down, she grabbed the remote and turned it off. You turned around to face her, confusion written on your face. 

"Why you do that," you asked.

You sat up and faced her, giving her your undivided attention. Beyonce sighed and rubbed the back of her neck, getting a little nervous.

"I have something to say... but I hope this doesn't ruin the friendship we have..."

You chuckle and patted her leg, "I'm sure regardless of what it is... it won't ruin our friendship..."

She smiled and nodded, "I have feelings for you. Strong feelings for you, Y/N."

Your eyes grew big once that sentence came out her mouth. Is this really happening?

"From the very moment I laid eyes on you, I fell in love with you. You aren't like anyone else, which is what got me interested in wanting to get to know you. From your smile to your shyness... every single thing about you makes me love you even more. I know you been through a lot the past year and I have to say, you are one of the strongest people I have ever known... I love you so much Y/N and I would like it if you became my girlfriend?"

You just stared at her, in shock. The words she spoke of you truly came from her heart, and it made you emotional. Which is rare. Without knowing, tears started flowing from your eyes and she frowned.

"Baby what's wrong... don't cry my love," she said, trying to calm you down.

"It's okay, they're happy tears. No one has ever spoken that nicely of me before," you admitted, wiping your face.

She smiled softly and grabbed your hands, "Y/N, will you be my girlfriend?"

You smiled big and grabbed her face, giving her a passionate kiss on the lips.

"Yes, I will..."

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