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*Author's Note: This short story is based on a topic that no one likes to talk about. Especially if anyone you know and love is going through it. Or you yourself are going through it. This is a true story that basically happened to me on this past Friday. I still can't process it.* 

~Friday afternoon~

Y/N and Beyonce are sitting on the couch inside of her home, watching television. All throughout the day, however, you felt like something was wrong. But you couldn't quite place a finger on what it could be. You were brought out of your thoughts when you heard someone calling your name.

"Y/N... Y/N," called Beyonce, waving her hand in front of your face.

Shaking your head, you looked up at her.

"Sorry what you say?"

"I said are you okay?"

You nodded and wrapped an arm around her, pulling her closer to you. You told her yes, but inside you knew you weren't okay. Just as you two were dozing off, someone's phone rang. Both of you had the same phone, case, and ringtone so you couldn't tell whose phone it was. Beyonce looked over and grabbed it, holding it to you.

"It's your mom," she said.

Nodding, you grabbed it and answered. Your mom called you on Face-Time so when you answered, her face popped up on the screen. You smiled at her, but it was quickly removed and placed with a frown. 

"Ma," you began.

"Are you busy," she asked.

You shook your head, "No I'm not, are you okay?"

She looked directly at the camera and you could tell that she had been crying. And it looked like she was going to cry again. Your mom shook her head to respond to your question and wiped some stray tears. 

"Who is you with," she asked you. 

You moved the camera so she could still see you, but can also see Beyonce. Beyonce saw her and also knew that something was wrong.

"Hey B, how are you?"

"I'm good, I should be asking you that question... is everything okay?"

She sighed shakily, "I'm afraid not... please sit next to Y/N right now..."

Your heart began to beat fast inside your chest. Something was really, really wrong.

"Ma, what's going on," you said, getting more worried.

Clearing her throat, she sighed and took a minute to collect herself and gather her thoughts.

"They got the results back....."

You stared at her, "Results from uncle's results?"

She nodded and as she opened her mouth, more tears began to flow. And that at moment, your heart dropped. 

"Ma, don't tell me its what I think it is..."

She looked at you with those sad eyes, "It's cancer..."

Your eyes grew big as they filled up with tears, "WHAT?! CANCER?!"

She nodded as Beyonce started to rub your back, trying to calm you down. Cancer?! CANCER?! Out of all things it was cancer. You shook your head, not wanting to believe it.

"No ma, please tell me you're lying..."

Your mom shook her head wiping her tears, "I wish I could, but it's true baby girl..."

You sighed shakily and shook your head, "How bad is it?"

"He has advanced liver cancer... and they caught it too late... it's already spreading... They can't give him chemo or radiation..... it's nothing they can do... I'm sorry honey..."

Your hand flew over your mouth and the tears started to fall. Beyonce knew you couldn't speak anymore so she decided to take the phone and talk for you. As Beyonce talked to your mom, you tried to process everything. You couldn't handle another loss. Out of all things, why cancer. And why did it have to happen to him. Once Beyonce was finished, she held the phone towards you, but you couldn't say anymore.

"Please take care of her, B. She just went through this with her great uncle and now its happening again. She doesn't take news like this well so for me, please watch and take care of her..."

Beyonce nodded, "I will, ma. Take care of yourself too and I'll be praying for you and the family."

Beyonce and your mom hung up the phone. She set your phone down and stood in front of you, getting on her knees. She grabbed you and turned you so you were facing her.

"Baby girl, I'm so sorry..."

You hugged her tight and broke down, crying. She held you close and picked you up, carrying you upstairs. She carried you into the bedroom you both shared and cuddled with you in the bed, rubbing your back. After what seemed like eternity, you stopped crying. But from you crying a lot, you got the hiccups.

"Breathe baby girl, breathe...."

Shaking your head, you kept hugging her. Not wanting to let her go. 

"I wish there was something I could do to help, but sadly I can't..."

"Why *hiccup* him... he did  *hiccup* nothing wrong," you said, tears still flowing from your eyes.

Beyonce held your face in your hands so you were looking at her. She sighed and wiped your tears with her soft thumbs and she placed a soft kiss on your lips.

"If I knew why I would tell you. Bad things happen to good people. Your uncle seems like an amazing guy. None of us know why... but maybe it's his time..."

You just shook your head and kept hugging her, letting the tears flow. Beyonce started singing one of your favorite songs while rocking you back and forth. She laid back on the bed with you and continued to sing until you fell asleep.

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