Poem 6

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When you chip a mug as long as you have the missing piece you can always fix it

But even the strongest glue can't fully repair it

Its always fractured

Similar can be said for a broken heart

Someone can always fill the void

erase the pain and make you smile

but it doesn't erase that scar on your heart

While some peoples fade

others have theirs reopened and made larger

You think people would be kind enough to not be so brutal


That was never the case

Some are crazed killers armed with a meat clever

When they back you into a corner

they hack

and hack

andhack and hack until they quenched their blood lust

They walk away with your openly bleeding body slumped in the corner

Part of you is grateful that they left you alive

You lean against the wall for support to stand, other hand pressing the wound

As you limp towards the exit

The other part is wishing that they finished you off

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