Poem 3

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A feeling of guilt followed by wishing things hadn't turned out the way they did

We all carry a form of regret

Either because of something we did

or a choice we made/ about to make that we cant help but constantly think of the outcome

Thing is that it never goes away

Long days and nights filled with it

Things could have went differently

They could have been better or worse

Are you happy that it happened?

Do you miss what you had?

So many questions swimming in the pool of your thoughts

You ignore them for a bit

try to move on

say whats done is done

but it never goes away

it lurks in the back of your mind like a predator waiting on its prey

Waiting for the right moment to make itself the focus of your attention

When it sees an opening it pounces


Shreds your skin before making its way to your insides

While you scream, beg, cry, and flail your body to be released

Half expecting it to work

And the other knowing it's useless

When its done for now it retreats like a monster returning to its home of darkness

Leaving you bare



you pick yourself up, dust yourself off and continue with life

Expecting it to happen again and again

Until its destroyed you

And it always gets what it wants

The predator always destroys its prey

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